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#1 2010-07-20 21:49:13

Registered: 2009-11-01
Posts: 20

I am so lost concerning AR

Hello, I have never been able to understand AR...I've tried multiple methods to try and get it to work, but to no avail.

I am certain I am using the USA release of Pokemon SoulSilver on the official 9.5 version of DeSmuME (windows XP, 0.9.5 x 86). I have done these steps: cheats >list >action replay> copy and paste AR code from ' … 17___.aspx'>save >press (L+R) in various sequences and moments of running the game (at start up, at the menu where you click on your in game save file, during general game play, and inside the inventory menu). I know that there is still progress that the DeSmuME team is trying to make with making cheats more and more accessable and that I may not be able to use some codes, but I've seen many instances where people have said, "hey, it works now..." or "hey, just do it like this cause it works for me"...and I can't seem to understand how to activate or use AR codes like these folks. I have exhausted the forum and faq...and other sources from a simple internet search like Yahoo Answers, Youtube, and other forums. Instructions like "AR Codes and DeSmuMe for Dummies" don't seem to exist, lol.  Maybe it's a simple step I missed. Maybe you might think I'm dense. Even if the answer to my problem is a simple step, I would like to hear it, cause I'm stuck.... and have no choice but to come here and ask -_-;.


#2 2010-07-20 22:28:27

DesMuMe Bug Catcher
Registered: 2009-04-03
Posts: 140

Re: I am so lost concerning AR

hikarushadow21 wrote:

Hello, I have never been able to understand AR...I've tried multiple methods to try and get it to work, but to no avail.

I am certain I am using the USA release of Pokemon SoulSilver on the official 9.5 version of DeSmuME (windows XP, 0.9.5 x 86). I have done these steps: cheats >list >action replay> copy and paste AR code from ' … 17___.aspx'>save >press (L+R) in various sequences and moments of running the game (at start up, at the menu where you click on your in game save file, during general game play, and inside the inventory menu). I know that there is still progress that the DeSmuME team is trying to make with making cheats more and more accessable and that I may not be able to use some codes, but I've seen many instances where people have said, "hey, it works now..." or "hey, just do it like this cause it works for me"...and I can't seem to understand how to activate or use AR codes like these folks. I have exhausted the forum and faq...and other sources from a simple internet search like Yahoo Answers, Youtube, and other forums. Instructions like "AR Codes and DeSmuMe for Dummies" don't seem to exist, lol.  Maybe it's a simple step I missed. Maybe you might think I'm dense. Even if the answer to my problem is a simple step, I would like to hear it, cause I'm stuck.... and have no choice but to come here and ask -_-;.

Why are you using such an old version of Desmume? The lastest official one is 0.9.6. About cheat codes i'll suggest to use the lastest SVN where zeromus has fixed the problem (still need testing thought).

Do you want a better experience with DesMuMe? Do you have a problem with it? READ ME now!


#3 2010-08-01 07:03:56

Registered: 2009-11-01
Posts: 20

Re: I am so lost concerning AR

I upgraded to 9.6, but I'm actually kind of scared to use a SVN since those are like prototypes, right? I'm not sure I can be brave enough to trust a prototype since something could go wrong D:? Idk, how has it been working? Any reported success with AR so far~?


#4 2010-08-01 07:11:32

Registered: 2009-11-01
Posts: 20

Re: I am so lost concerning AR

Btw, where in the game do you press the code activation keys? And is the sequence pressing L and R at the same time, or press and hold L then add, I know that might be a silly question, but I need to make sure just in case it's a picky system 0_0;


#5 2010-08-01 07:18:13

Awesome Possum
Registered: 2009-02-15
Posts: 655

Re: I am so lost concerning AR

First of all, what codes are you trying to use?


#6 2010-08-01 16:12:29

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: I am so lost concerning AR

hiraku, that question applies to cheating in general. go ask a forum full of pokemon cheaters, there should be thousands of them.  regarding being afraid of prototypes since something could go wrong, isn't something going wrong with the non-prototype build youre using? what's the difference then?


#7 2010-08-02 07:53:28

Registered: 2009-11-01
Posts: 20

Re: I am so lost concerning AR

@Manivo: I was trying to use a code from the provided site in the FAQ since they were recommended codes...the site is "" and it was the one for maximum medical items on Soulsilver.
Also, Manivo, I made a mistake...something about posting a savefile with "warez" on another topic you were helping me with, the pokemon capsule stickers. Since they closed it down, I was wondering if you could e-mail me so we can continue working together, I don't think I should repost my help topic. Thanks a lot if you're willing to continue communication a bit concerning that issue. 

@Zeromus: Good point, not much difference....but when you add new things that still need testing...I'd rather not be the one testing them until people say thumbs up, we can incorporate this safely in the next official model. I'm a scaredy cat. Also...yeah, I can ask other forums about button sequence and what not, but my confusion is relative, so I thought I'd throw in that question here while I'm at it smile, you guys are likely awesome seasoned pokemon players and what not.


#8 2010-08-02 08:05:51

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: I am so lost concerning AR

It's probably for the best. If you hit a bug in the emulator, your computer might catch on fire. It happens to me about five times a year. It's getting expensive.


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