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#1 2010-03-24 01:39:33

Registered: 2010-03-24
Posts: 1

Problem of XENOSAGA1&2 JP

9.5 and svn3419 of x86 stop in the following addresses.
There is no problem in ideas.

:0202A064 EE070F90 mcr 15,0,r0,cr7,cr0,{4}

This cheat code is necessary to start.

Action Replay code
0202A064 E1A00000


#2 2010-04-07 23:02:55

DesMuMe Bug Catcher
Registered: 2009-04-03
Posts: 140

Re: Problem of XENOSAGA1&2 JP

pdragon wrote:

9.5 and svn3419 of x86 stop in the following addresses.
There is no problem in ideas.

:0202A064 EE070F90 mcr 15,0,r0,cr7,cr0,{4}

This cheat code is necessary to start.

Action Replay code
0202A064 E1A00000

Already fixed in lastest SVN.

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