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#1 2010-03-08 01:35:40

Registered: 2010-03-08
Posts: 1

Castlevania Dawn of sorrow

I think that the game is not running with good FPS. I use a dell xps m1530 with a nvidia 8600 m gt. What options should i enable/disable to make it run faster?

are there any problems in desmemu when you press 2 buttons at the time? I cant pass the village part where you have to jump a bit more to get a sword.


#2 2010-03-08 04:46:43

Registered: 2009-05-24
Posts: 114

Re: Castlevania Dawn of sorrow

You just need to get "Flying Armor" - no problem with desmume.
Just set frameskip to 9 (you wouldn't miss anything) - I am running this game at 60fps.
If in doubt, read the FAQ.


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