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Pages: 1
I just updated my SVN from 3236 to 3261 and my compile is failing. The only error I get is:
1>.\FirmConfig.cpp(151) : error C3861: 'NDS_CreateDummyFirmware': identifier not found
well, the culprit is revision 3250. revert that, and it'll compile
How do I revert just that part? Do I need to comment out the line in the code or can TortpiseSVN do it somehow?
here's how:
look for the file in question (src\NDSSystem.h), rightclick>tortoiseSVN>Update to revision>3250
assuming you have tortoiseSVN installed.
note that it's NDSSystem.h , and NOT .cpp!
ah, that makes sense. Thanks!
Pages: 1