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4526 - The Legend of Zelda Spirit Tracks (U)(Xenophobia).nds
Hi, it seems the Zelda Spirit Statue (when she possesses a statue in the Spirit Tower) gets fucked while carrying Link whenever the screen flickers* (*flickers with the camera repositioning itself which happens fairly often and likely never occurs on a real NDS). She ends up in what appears to be a perpetual falling animation, she bobs up and down in place with link on her shield rendering her unable to move (she doesn't follow any paths I set) and Link can't jump off the shield or attack.
Essentially you have to save state before any lava parts in the spirit temple and everywhere else that requires teamwork in a similar fashion and load state if it happens or reload your last save game. There appears no way at all to do anything after this bug happens and nothing to do to stop the bug from happening. I can provide saves.
Last edited by Franpa (2009-12-24 23:41:20)
Computer specifications:
Windows 10 x64 | Ryzen 3700X | ASUS Crosshair Hero VIII (WiFI) Motherboard | 16GB 3600MHz RAM | Nvidia Geforce 1070Ti
Are you using this in 0.9.5 or latest svn? Bugs affecting such things have been fixed since 0.9.5
I was using 0.9.5, should I use SVN?
god my description of the problem sucked so much.
Computer specifications:
Windows 10 x64 | Ryzen 3700X | ASUS Crosshair Hero VIII (WiFI) Motherboard | 16GB 3600MHz RAM | Nvidia Geforce 1070Ti
There is a chance the latest svn will fix that issue. I confess a selfish desire to know whether latest svns fixed that issue indeed, but for yourself, it would be better to keep using 0.9.5 if you can work around the problem.
Stop using pirated ROMs, closing for that reason.
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