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i am stuck trying to blow air at candles to open a door. im usin an emulated key for microphone. it seemed to work earlier when i called out to Astrid but wont work for the door. someone please help...
post a savestate and maybe someone can figure out why the key doesnt work there. otherwise you can only get help from people deeply familiar with emulating the particular game youre interested in on the particular emulator version youre using (which you didnt bother to tell us) which sort of limits the number of folks that can help you.
oh ok. i am actually using the latest version
oh ok. i am actually using the latest version
Which is ?..... 0.9.4 ? svn revision what ???
its the 0.94 source. there are on the download pape: the 0.94 source, mac binary and windows binary. i downloaded the 0.94 source.
and then what, you built it yourself? on which platform?
oops ok i got that wrong. must have downloaded the commercial windows one then. dunno much bout this. but im still stuck with blowing out the candles
youre going to have to learn how to post a savestate, or wait for someone who has played through this game on this emu to give you some info.
I have the same problem and i'm stuck there now. when i show mic. input, it shows that im doing something, but it doesn't effect the candles. I also keep getting hit by the fire rocks. idk why it worked on the lady but not the candles.
also, when i click the "white noise" button i don't hear any static when i press button. any help?
the white noise button puts white noise into the mic. why do you think you would hear white noise in the speaker? all i can say is keep fiddling with the mic settings because i know for a fact that the candles can get blown out. try standing nearer to them, the game is a bit picky.
where do i find whitenoise?
click until you find it. but it wont work. youll have to visit this faq … r_games.21