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Obvious noob here, searched forums but didn't find anything that looked promising, wondering if theres some noob-guide or basic list of working roms somewhere? Or if lacking that maybe I could just mention which rom it is and you guys could tell me? Don't wanna get banned by doin somethin I ain't supposed to, so lemme know?
Oh, and from browsing threads I figure I should mention this up front. It isn't pokemon.
lol, ill go stand in the corner for awhile
mmm, ok, well now I know its supposed to work, but I cant seem to make it do so so I gotta ask, is it supposed to be like this, or am I just not doing somethign right :S
Last edited by Hazard (2007-04-22 00:22:19)
You´re using what version of desmume?
If you look on the details of each game, it tells which version the game was tested with, like:
0127 - Phoenix Wright - Ace Attorney [0, US] Playable
tested on: cvs 16/04/07
Little black horizontal lines on lower screen
Last edited by snkmad (2007-04-22 00:37:04)
Athlon 64 X2 3800+ / 2Gb DDR2 800Mhz
Geforce 8600GT 256MB / Windows XP PRO SP3
using 6.0, i assume that since it says it was tested on the 16th that it was tested with the latest one?
also i assume that discription means that is how its supposed to look, without the images at the bottom :S
Last edited by Hazard (2007-04-22 00:46:01)
Well all those games were using WIP versions, compiled by myself from latest CVS repository.
Ill try this game later and post a screen showing how is playing.
Athlon 64 X2 3800+ / 2Gb DDR2 800Mhz
Geforce 8600GT 256MB / Windows XP PRO SP3
Heck, I'll post one now it's the best game for the NDS: (For the record, I finished it "blindly" on the PC(after I forgot how it was in the DS of course, I really did!), I even know where the buttons are according to the background court pic)
The continue button is not that great(no arrow) either...
In order to obtain the latest CVS WIP, you must follow the instructions in the website about CVS, and download some microsoft c++ express program or dev-c++ or gcc, depending on your O/S.
I hope it helps.
If you are reading this signature, you SERIOUSLY need to get a life.
I hope Amponzi makes a new WIP soon...I wonder what happened to him?
There will be no WIP release of the latest cvs, but instead.....
Athlon 64 X2 3800+ / 2Gb DDR2 800Mhz
Geforce 8600GT 256MB / Windows XP PRO SP3
0_o Why not? Did Amponzi do something wrong? Is he over it? Or did you just not like everyone without a shred of programming knowledge getting ahold of the current CVS versions?
I tried getting the CVS to work, but I get a ton of errors and it's probably just me doing something stupid, so I won't bother you people with it's too taxing on my capped connection to update the CVS the whole time anyway. I like the idea of WIP's every few weeks or even every week as long as things were being changed.
Dont worry good news will come soon
Also if you want to compile your own builds, its pretty easy with dev-cpp, i can help you with it.
You only need a few libs installed, like Directx, ziplib, gziplib, SDL....
Athlon 64 X2 3800+ / 2Gb DDR2 800Mhz
Geforce 8600GT 256MB / Windows XP PRO SP3
This has already answered the thread creation question, so closing this to avoid more offtopics