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#1 2009-04-08 03:28:02

Registered: 2009-04-08
Posts: 17

Etrian Oddysey - autodetect save does not work

I need to manually set the save type to 512k, or it apparently thinks it is a 64kbit, and won't reload the save.  (When I start with no save, it saves a 8KB file).  This is with 0.9.1 and the SVN.

It appears to save correctly (to an existing correctly sized save file) with EEPROM 512k.  ** I just noticed that it doesn't create a save file at all if you manually select the SRAM type, and no save file exists **

Otherwise, the game seems to work properly except you can't see the lower screen when you choose a guild name, as previously mentioned.

Last edited by loki1405 (2009-04-08 05:52:27)


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