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#1 2023-12-28 09:42:11

Registered: 2023-12-28
Posts: 3

MAC Pokemon HeartGold displays weird unplayable graphics after restart

Hi - My after restarting my save game (saved in-game), my game was in weird graphics as per below.
I've tried restarting a few times but doesn't seem to work.

Picture here:



#2 2023-12-29 22:38:03

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: MAC Pokemon HeartGold displays weird unplayable graphics after restart

fix your 3ds settings (did you disable textures?) and consider whether you understand the meaning of in-game save vs savestate (if this is a bug and not a strangely-chosen user preference, it would most likely come about from using a savestate from an older version of the emulator)


#3 2023-12-29 22:52:08

Registered: 2023-12-28
Posts: 3

Re: MAC Pokemon HeartGold displays weird unplayable graphics after restart

Thanks for answering!

To clarify - i saved in game, i launch up the game and i load the save game.

I have checked my settings and it's as per below.
Additionally, i saved the game, within the game itself, and then opened it up again and it opened like that. I didn't change any settings.

Does this make any difference? And is there a way to unbug it if it is a bug?


#4 2023-12-30 21:39:07

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: MAC Pokemon HeartGold displays weird unplayable graphics after restart

load a different game completely and see if it's similarly wrecked


#5 2023-12-30 21:42:50

Registered: 2023-12-28
Posts: 3

Re: MAC Pokemon HeartGold displays weird unplayable graphics after restart

it is the same problem! So it must be my settings... not sure i tried a bunch of different settings already but didnt' seem to change.

Thanks for answering again zeromus


#6 2023-12-30 22:51:43

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: MAC Pokemon HeartGold displays weird unplayable graphics after restart

there is a setting that disables textures. you've picked that setting. keep hunting for it.

it's also possible your GPU is broken, but not likely...

sometimes the mac guy is here, he may have advice for you.

if you uninstall desmume, it will fix it, but you may lose data. don't do that unless youre confident in backing it up first


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