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#1 2023-09-18 19:28:04

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Can't access save files

Hello, I was playing Pokémon Blaze Black and before closing the game I was sure to save. I tried loading the game today and I didn't see my save file. I googled to see if people have had similar issues, and they did but I'm not understanding a lot of the help being given (because I am not at all tech savvy). The only new thing I'm understanding is that apparently my save data is in the folder named "Battery" but not much else. I tried loading the save files from here with the emulator, but it would not let me. I've also seen plenty of suggestions to move/rename things, but I'm reluctant to do any of that because I'd have no idea what I'm doing, and I don't want to permanently lose my save data or even do something to my computer as a whole. Can someone help me out? I will be sure to check this for responses regularly.


#2 2023-09-19 02:17:22

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't access save files

If you don't delete or move anything, you can't permanently lose anything.

Download everything again and dearchive it to a folder on your desktop (instead of wherever you put it before). Don't run desmume from the zipfile. Dearchive everything.

Now confirm you can save and get back into the game.

At this point you understand basic elements of how desmume and computers in general work (if you just click without understanding, then things happen outside of your control and maybe not in the way you'd wish).

After that you can try finding the battery save you've already created (look for .dsv and "battery" related files in %TEMP%) and copy them into the "installation" on your desktop to recover your data. You may need help in person with that part. We can't do it online. Essentially you'd be asking for basic computer operation assistance. It's beyond the scope of free online support forum.


#3 2023-09-19 15:17:38

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: Can't access save files

By "download everything" what exactly would that be? Would it be the game, emulator, or both? Also wanted to clarify I didn't make any new files, they kinda just appeared on their own. As for the dearchiving part I didn't do any of that unless the emulator did it by itself, as I don't know how to do that and I only have a vague idea of what it even means.


#4 2023-09-19 22:34:57

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't access save files

everything means everything.
"you created" includes "desmume creates in response to your actions"
If you can't "dearchive" then you need to phone a friend over to help.


#5 2023-09-19 23:57:16

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: Can't access save files

Well shit would it be easier I just start my game over if I don't really know how to do anything? And to avoid this issue in the future what should I do?


#6 2023-09-20 02:58:40

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't access save files

Download everything again and dearchive it to a folder on your desktop (instead of wherever you put it before). Don't run desmume from the zipfile. Dearchive everything.

Now confirm you can save and get back into the game.


#7 2023-09-20 16:26:16

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: Can't access save files

I don't think I can upload pictures here but I do have an app shortcut thing for Desmume. I may have just moved it out of that zipfile though. And I'm super confused about the "downloading everything again" part, from where would I do that? Do I need to go to the Desmume site and download the emulator again and basically do the same for Pokemon Blaze Black, or can I do it from a folder?


#8 2023-09-20 22:26:50

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't access save files

One does not "download" from a folder. One "copies". Therefore to follow my instructions to download you must open a browser. If you copy from a folder you risk copying broken stuff.


#9 2023-09-21 01:09:20

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: Can't access save files

Ok. But as for the dearchiving part I looked it up on google and get results for unzipping/zipping files. Is that what you're referring to or is dearchiving a different and much more obscure process?


#10 2023-09-22 02:56:19

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't access save files

you unzip a zip. you unrar a rar. you untar a tar. you dearchive an archive.


#11 2023-09-22 17:22:18

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: Can't access save files

How can I tell if my stuff is an archive? I only remember seeing/using zip files.


#12 2023-09-23 02:07:59

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: Can't access save files

Ugh I might just restart my game from the beginning and try to catch the Pokemon I got and whatnot. To avoid this in the future what should I do?


#13 2023-09-23 20:49:02

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't access save files

Download everything again and dearchive it to a folder on your desktop (instead of wherever you put it before). Don't run desmume from the zipfile. Dearchive everything.

Now confirm you can save and get back into the game.


#14 2023-09-23 21:56:12

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: Can't access save files

Just redownloaded Desmume, and put the extracted stuff in a folder I made. I'll try the game itself out at some later date, since I've started on a different game and the intro (meaning getting to a point where I can save) to Pokemon Black/White takes longer compared to the other games. But I wanted to clarify that initially I was running Desmume from the extracted folder and it was letting me save in game. But to avoid this in the future how would I access my saves in a useable format?

Last edited by PooFlavoredIceCream (2023-09-23 22:00:25)


#15 2023-09-24 03:28:01

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't access save files

your saves are now in the "battery" subdirectory


#16 2023-09-25 05:18:43

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: Can't access save files

Yeah that's where I was trying to load them from last time and it wouldn't let me. Why would this be?


#17 2023-09-27 00:14:20

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't access save files

"tried loading the save files from here with the emulator, but it would not let me"

I can't even imagine what you were trying to do. You barely have any idea what's going on.


#18 2023-09-27 17:19:35

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: Can't access save files

I literally just tried accessing my save by loading that instead of the main game (because when I loaded the game my save was gone). And as said I am not at all tech savvy. If I have to have all this technical knowledge just to play a save file in a game then I'm getting a different emulator, like I don't know how else to describe that besides that it's fucked. In literally every other emulator I have I'm able to access my saves with no issue. I know save states are a whole different thing and I've read that from this is where most issues arise but as I said this was the in game save, not a save state. Ranting aside, can you tell me why this didn't work and how I can avoid this issue of not being able to load a save in the future?


#19 2023-09-28 01:08:31

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't access save files

"I literally just tried accessing my save by loading that instead of the main game"
I can't make any sense out of this either.
Maybe try writing exactly everything you do using exact terminology taken from what's on your screen


#20 2023-09-28 04:43:07

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: Can't access save files

File->open ROM->save from Battery folder instead of the main game.


#21 2023-09-28 05:14:03

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't access save files

OK, I got File and Open ROM. But I don't know where to find "save from battery folder instead of the main game".
I know, you think I'm being deliberately obtuse. And you already know I disagree. So don't bother saying it.


#22 2023-09-28 05:48:39

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: Can't access save files

I'm not sure how else to describe it. I tried loading in whatever was in the Battery folder that apparently houses save files.


#23 2023-09-28 19:25:06

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't access save files

It's really regrettable that you lack the capability to describe in words what you're doing. Perhaps recording a video would help. But I can give you one tip that should help. Whatever you're doing with the battery folder--stop. Don't look at it. Pretend that folder does not exist. Good luck.


#24 2023-09-28 21:04:54

Registered: 2023-09-18
Posts: 13

Re: Can't access save files

Wow thanks! I'm not sure how the absolute hell you're not understanding what I'm saying. I'd have sent a video or photo of I could long ago. But whatever man, I'll just get a different emulator. It's beyond me how an emulator can be so shit that I can't access my saves properly.


#25 2023-09-29 02:48:21

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't access save files

You're trying to access something in the battery directory directly, which is a pro technique. If you can't execute pro techniques properly, that's your problem.


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