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#1 2023-09-12 18:14:30

Salt Chaos
Registered: 2023-09-12
Posts: 4

Small bug that I may have triggered by using Cheats earlier

Hi there,
I'm in need of help, as i've got a bug from my game : DQMJ2 alias Dragon Quest Monster Joker 2.
I don't know if by using cheats earlier I've created the bug or not, especially because I don't think I've touched the type of variable boolean which would represent the bug I think ?
Let me explain.

Oomph is a spell that multiply attack of a monster in this game, and when I cast it, the spell does indeed affect the damages dones, but doesn't show the attack upgrade in the status window. (So yeah it's a graphical bug, but a very annoying one for me)
So I thought that somehow, the variable boolean supposed to tell "Yes, show the attack buff number" has been modified and doesn't move anymore (while all my cheat are off lol).
But I don't specifically remember modifying boolean ? Imagining I forgotten which one, do I have a way to get back this variable adress to reset it ?

Adding that I can completely reset the game, but that doesn't reset this bug, so it somehow keeps that everytime I relaunch the emulator/rom.

Maybe my cheats aren't even the cause, but then, how I'm supposed to find the cause, or to have at least a solution ?

Thanks by advance for yours answers.


#2 2023-09-13 03:59:55

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Small bug that I may have triggered by using Cheats earlier

stop using savestates and you can't possibly have any problem from stale cheats (well, 99.999% for sure, and certainly not THIS problem)


#3 2023-09-13 04:04:50

Salt Chaos
Registered: 2023-09-12
Posts: 4

Re: Small bug that I may have triggered by using Cheats earlier

Does that means I would have to use the "manual" game/rom saving method ? Well I've tried to save and quit the game this way and then relaunch from blank and load the save (not savestate) and this doesn't fix it ? That what I thought that it would get fixed by resetting the game by reloading it, but unless I does it the bad way, it doesn't seems to fix it.
Or unless that isn't a cheat the source of the problem, but then I still don't have any idea of what could cause it or a way to fix it lul.

Last edited by Salt Chaos (2023-09-13 04:06:09)


#4 2023-09-13 07:55:16

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Small bug that I may have triggered by using Cheats earlier

if that doesn't fix it, then either you've found the strangest quirk ever in how that game works, or you are just confused about the game's behavior or the sequence of events (perhaps you changed a desmume graphics setting that made that icon not show up at the same time you started cheating). At any rate, cheating voids your warranty, so if that's what did it, tough break.


#5 2023-09-13 17:32:39

Salt Chaos
Registered: 2023-09-12
Posts: 4

Re: Small bug that I may have triggered by using Cheats earlier

Well... honestly can't be the graphic thing cuz others buffs does show (at least the one on Defense) so not that. So, that means there is no solutions ? Well maybe if I try using another version of Desmune lol ?

EDIT : Well I wanted to test before I get to use any cheat, so I loaded a savestate before I get to use any cheat at all... To my surprise the bug still there, so is it retroactive ? Or has another source ?

EDIT 2 : Well I asked someone else to test if they got the bug on his emulator, and yes, they got the SAME bug. So that just the game that got an unfixed bug. Unbelievable for something that clear, but I guess that the case lol. So the problem came from the code of the game...

Last edited by Salt Chaos (2023-09-13 19:28:39)


#6 2023-09-13 21:33:07

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Small bug that I may have triggered by using Cheats earlier

it's possible that it's a bug in emulation. but it's doubtful. check it in melonds and maybe look for a longplay on the real system (but it's more likely to be emulated there, they're not always clear about it)


#7 2023-09-15 00:21:04

Salt Chaos
Registered: 2023-09-12
Posts: 4

Re: Small bug that I may have triggered by using Cheats earlier

Well I won't check right now especially cuz I think it is a game bug rather than an emulator one so, well cuz I might ask to someone that has an physical version


#8 2023-09-15 03:12:44

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Small bug that I may have triggered by using Cheats earlier

games of this caliber do ship with bugs of that size. Testers can get on autopilot about stuff like that. You know you cast oomph, you dont need to check for the icons. The icons are all tiny and look similar. The oomph icon in particular looks like nonsense. And you have to ask yourself: is the game playable? Yep, no problem. No need to delay the game or issue a new version just for that. Heck, old dragon quests didnt have oomph icons. And the new ones added "tension" without icons. Do you really need icons?

Are you sure the game doesn't have a limit of 2 buff icons or something?

this guy has some monsters with oomph. of course he's using desmume so it's not a great test but maybe you can see him use it (I dont have time to scrub through to look)


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