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#1 2023-08-24 23:43:27

Registered: 2023-08-24
Posts: 1

Pls Help me. Lost my Soulsilver save somehow.

I was playing Soulsilver and sometimes there is a weird bug that turns the whole screen black. Normally I just close the entire program and restart the rom and everything turns back to normal, but this time I reloaded the rom without closing the program first. Suddenly Im in a save where I have 0 badges and only my starter. I do not know how I can get my save back since Im really bad at stuff like this. I barely managed to install this programm and start the game. Please help me Im begging you..:(

Last edited by Luke (2023-08-24 23:45:14)


#2 2023-08-25 04:44:02

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Pls Help me. Lost my Soulsilver save somehow.

Only ancient versions of desmume have this problem. First of all, stop using an ancient version of desmume.

Reloading the rom without closing the program first should have made no difference. It's likely that youve misunderstood what you did.

You didn't mention anything about savestates. saving them or loading them. That strikes me as peculiar. You didn't mention anything about in-game saves either. This corroborates your claim at having near-zero situational awareness. Under the circumstances, you're playing with fire: it may blow up in your face.

In case you're using savestates (not a smart move, BTW), newer versions of desmume have a mechanism that makes backup savestates. But, you're using an ancient version.

Your best bet will be to look for the .dsv file associated with your game and use your operating system or backup software's facilities for finding old versions. Oh, you don't have any backups? It's a hard lesson to learn. Do you make backups of your book reports when you are doing homeworks? Of course you do. You understand that if you invest a lot of time in making a document on a complex system that you should protect yourself from incomprehensible system fails. The same applies to playing pokemon. So in the future, make backups of the documents you're creating. If you don't know what those documents are: find out. Desmume puts less work into hiding those details from you than the average software. They are all created right there in the directory you run desmume from.


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