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#1 2023-02-25 02:42:56

Registered: 2023-02-25
Posts: 1

Dragon Quest 4 - Images on title screen of each chapter aren't showing

Hello to all friends.
I'm using the DeSemuME core in RetroArch on Steam and I'm having a problem with Dragon Quest IV: Chapters of the Chosen. Title screens for each chapter are not showing. Neither the plaque nor the image of the chapter's character appears. When I run this game in another emulator they appear but I prefer to use DeSmuME because the emulation and graphic options make the game much more beautiful. I've messed around with all the core graphics settings using both the OpenGL options and the default options and I haven't been able to resolve this issue. What could this be? Is there a solution? Thanks in advance for any help.


#2 2023-02-25 16:55:46

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Dragon Quest 4 - Images on title screen of each chapter aren't showing

we don't make or support the retroarch version. It works fine in the official desmume versions we do make and support. Try using softrasterizer instead of opengl renderer.


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