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#1 2022-12-10 22:20:16

Registered: 2022-12-10
Posts: 2

Pokemon Platinum not loading in game saves correctly.

I started playing platinum yesterday and i played for a couple hours then saved in game and got off. when i got back on my save didnt load so i had to start over after trying a couple things. i played again today for much longer and got farther than i did in my last save and talked to a friend who said the in game save worked for him and i just had to load it with the recent rom. i saved and closed out then reopened it to see if it worked. when i loaded it up it put me with my save from yesterday (which i could not get to earlier) which was a completely different run and where i was much farther behind. ive tried everything and i cant get my new save from today back. i havent really see much help on the internet with this specific problem so any help would be appreciated.


#2 2022-12-12 01:18:32

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,240

Re: Pokemon Platinum not loading in game saves correctly.

You're running desmume from a zipfile. You have no idea where the files are going. They're littered in a temp directory somewhere. Delete everything and start over. Dearchive to a directory on your desktop. Work from there. You now have control of your files.


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