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EDIT: A version with keyboard controls and mouse aiming is available here
Putting this here to get people to stop replying in the issue page on github.
DeSmuME now has the ability to implement freelook through Lua scripting. Read zeromus' explanation on that here.
I've created this crappy script to look around with a controller. Honestly have no clue what I'm doing, but it somehow works well enough with most games I've tried. It's not a universal solution, though. There's a bunch of games that it doesn't work that great or at all with.
Some webms showing it off:
Use with something like an xbox 360 controller, or modify the controls to suit your needs.
Left stick moves left/right and forward/back
Right stick rotates
Triggers move up down(according to where you're looking)A button resets position, rotation, and pitch offset
B button resets rotation and pitch offset
X sets pitch offset
Y resets the movement and rotation scaleDpad Up/Down sets the movement scale
Dpad Left/Right sets the rotation scale
Hold the left or right bumper to make smaller or bigger changes to the scalesSetting the pitch offset is important. Without doing so, your view will roll around as you look left and right in most games.
Angle your pitch towards the "horizon" and press X. Then try and rotate the camera 90 degrees to the left or right and adjust up/down a little while pressing X until everything's level.
--Assumes you have an Xbox style controller
joyID = -1; --Joystick ID to use. The script will attempt to find a suitable joystick, but you can manually set this if you wish
yaw = 0.0;
pitch = 0.0;
pitchoffs = 0.0; --used to correct for the initial pitch of the camera
xpos = 0.0; --coordinates in a virtual 3D space
ypos = 0.0; --^^^
zpos = 0.0; --^^^
matAdjustment = {1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1};
movscale = 1.0;
rotscale = 1.0;
cooldown = 0;
function MatrixMult4x4(m1, m2) --sorta copied/inspired from some lua matrix library
local mtx = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
for i=1,4 do
for j=1,4 do
local num = 0
for n=1,4 do
num = num + m1[(i-1)*4+n] * m2[(n-1)*4+j]
mtx[(i-1)*4+j] = num
return mtx;
function Rotate(angle,x,y,z)
local s = math.sin(math.rad(angle));
local c = math.cos(math.rad(angle));
return {(1-c)*x*x+c, (1-c)*y*x-s*z, (1-c)*z*x+s*y, 0,
(1-c)*x*y+s*z, (1-c)*y*y+c, (1-c)*z*y-s*x, 0,
(1-c)*x*z-s*y, (1-c)*y*z+s*x, (1-c)*z*z+c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1};
function vecrotx(angle, vx, vy, vz) --used for pitch correction in the functions below
return vx,
vy * math.cos(math.rad(angle)) - vz * math.sin(math.rad(angle)),
vy * math.sin(math.rad(angle)) + vz * math.cos(math.rad(angle));
function MoveForward(l) --sorta based off
local fX = math.sin(math.rad(yaw)) * math.cos(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs));
local fY = -math.sin(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs));
local fZ = -math.cos(math.rad(yaw)) * math.cos(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs));
fX, fY, fZ = vecrotx(pitchoffs, fX, fY, fZ);
local mag = math.sqrt(fX*fX + fY*fY + fZ*fZ);
fX = fX / mag; fY = fY / mag; fZ = fZ / mag;
fX = fX * l; fY = fY * l; fZ = fZ * l;
xpos = xpos + fX; ypos = ypos + fY; zpos = zpos + fZ;
function MoveUp(l)
local fX = math.sin(math.rad(yaw)) * math.cos(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs+90));
local fY = -math.sin(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs+90));
local fZ = -math.cos(math.rad(yaw)) * math.cos(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs+90));
fX, fY, fZ = vecrotx(pitchoffs, fX, fY, fZ);
local mag = math.sqrt(fX*fX + fY*fY + fZ*fZ);
fX = fX / mag; fY = fY / mag; fZ = fZ / mag;
fX = fX * l; fY = fY * l; fZ = fZ * l;
xpos = xpos + fX; ypos = ypos + fY; zpos = zpos + fZ;
function MoveRight(l)
local fX = math.sin(math.rad(yaw+90));
local fY = 0;
local fZ = -math.cos(math.rad(yaw+90));
fX, fY, fZ = vecrotx(pitchoffs, fX, fY, fZ);
local mag = math.sqrt(fX*fX + fY*fY + fZ*fZ);
fX = fX / mag; fY = fY / mag; fZ = fZ / mag;
fX = fX * l; fY = fY * l; fZ = fZ * l;
xpos = xpos + fX; ypos = ypos + fY; zpos = zpos + fZ;
function on3d()
if joyID == -1 then
for i = 0, 15 do
c = controller.get(i);
if c.x and c.y and c.z and c.u and c.r then --simple check that only looks for all the needed axes
joyID = i;
print("Found suitable joystick, id " .. i);
print("Using manually set joystick, id " .. joyID);
if joyID == -1 then
print("No suitable joystick found!");
while true do
while true do
local key = controller.get(joyID)
scalemult = 1;
if key["5"] then --Left bumper
scalemult = 0.1;
elseif key["6"] then --Right bumper
scalemult = 10;
if key.up and cooldown==0 then --Dpad
cooldown = 10;
movscale = movscale + (0.1 * scalemult);
print("Movement scale: " .. movscale);
if key.down and cooldown==0 then --Dpad
cooldown = 10;
movscale = movscale - (0.1 * scalemult);
print("Movement scale: " .. movscale);
if key.right and cooldown==0 then --Dpad
cooldown = 10;
rotscale = rotscale + (0.1 * scalemult);
print("Rotation scale: " .. rotscale);
if key.left and cooldown==0 then --Dpad
cooldown = 10;
rotscale = rotscale - (0.1 * scalemult);
print("Rotation scale: " .. rotscale);
if(math.abs(key.x)>0.25) then --Left Stick
MoveRight(-key.x * movscale);
if(math.abs(key.y)>0.25) then --Left Stick
MoveForward(key.y * movscale);
if(math.abs(key.z)>0.25) then --Triggers
MoveUp(-key.z * movscale);
if(math.abs(key.u)>0.25) then --Right Stick
yaw = (yaw + (key.u * rotscale)) % 360;
if(math.abs(key.r)>0.25) then --Right Stick
pitch = (pitch + (key.r * rotscale)) % 360;
if key["1"] and cooldown==0 then --A button
cooldown = 20;
yaw = 0.0;
pitch = 0.0;
pitchoffs = 0.0;
xpos = 0.0;
ypos = 0.0;
zpos = 0.0;
movscale = 1.0;
rotscale = 1.0;
print("Reset everything");
if key["2"] and cooldown==0 then --B button
cooldown = 20;
yaw = 0.0;
pitch = 0.0;
pitchoffs = 0.0;
print("Reset rotations");
if key["3"] then --X button
pitchoffs = -pitch;
if key["4"] and cooldown==0 then --Y button
cooldown = 20;
movscale = 1.0;
rotscale = 1.0;
print("Movement/rotation scales reset");
local tmp = Rotate(-yaw, 0.0, math.cos(math.rad(pitchoffs)), math.sin(math.rad(pitchoffs)));
tmp = MatrixMult4x4(tmp, Rotate(-pitch, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
local translation = {1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,xpos,ypos,zpos,1};
matAdjustment = MatrixMult4x4(translation, tmp);
if cooldown>0 then cooldown=cooldown-1 end
Last edited by windwakr (2023-06-26 03:53:09)
It looks like we need your fork. Which is now AWOL.
Even if it's sloppy, paste your code onto our master and send a PR and I'll make sure it's OK
also I too was missing math.abs.. I have no idea why (don't want to know; I hate lua) but anyway here is a math.abs:
math.abs = function(x)
if x == nil then return 0 end
if x<0 then return -x end
return x;
It looks like we need your fork. Which is now AWOL.
Even if it's sloppy, paste your code onto our master and send a PR and I'll make sure it's OK
also I too was missing math.abs.. I have no idea why (don't want to know; I hate lua) but anyway here is a math.abs:math.abs = function(x)
if x == nil then return 0 end
if x<0 then return -x end
return x;
My fork was just what the queefersutherland guy PR'd, I don't think he made any changes to it. I didn't want to make a PR myself. The script just assumes you have a controller plugged in that's joystick id 0 and has the 3 axes it checks for, and that causes an error when trying to use them if they don't exist. It really should check for the axes before trying to use them.
Last edited by windwakr (2018-11-01 02:00:36)
Got a new controller recently and was messing around with this a bit. Updated the first post but here's the changelog.
*Now attempts to scan for a suitable controller instead of just using the first one
*Only updates the matrix on 3D events(still don't think I'm doing it properly, but this fixes most of the issues I had)
*Left and right bumpers now act as multipliers for the dpad scale settings
*Y button resets movement and rotation scale to 1.0
Last edited by windwakr (2019-03-08 22:19:22)
Total coding noob here... I'm trying wrap my head around how to use lua code, and I can't wrap my head around how to get the freelook script to work. I get that I actually have to adjust some things in the code myself, but I'm unclear about what values need changing, and no matter what I do the code stops running because register3devent is a nil value..? Even when I think I'm defining it correctly?
Freecam is a feature I'd really like, but I'm too tech-illiterate to wrap my head around how the lua script works, even with the instructions given on the github and in the script itself.. help?
Hey, what emulator build are you using, and how would I get this to work with a 9.12 emulator with decent speed and graphics?
Total coding noob here... I'm trying wrap my head around how to use lua code, and I can't wrap my head around how to get the freelook script to work. I get that I actually have to adjust some things in the code myself, but I'm unclear about what values need changing, and no matter what I do the code stops running because register3devent is a nil value..? Even when I think I'm defining it correctly?
Freecam is a feature I'd really like, but I'm too tech-illiterate to wrap my head around how the lua script works, even with the instructions given on the github and in the script itself.. help?
You need a recent-ish build of the emulator.
Hey, what emulator build are you using, and how would I get this to work with a 9.12 emulator with decent speed and graphics?
Scroll down to "Official Nightly Builds"
Last edited by windwakr (2019-04-19 23:05:45)
Note that lua was kind of broken until a commit I did today, so you may have to get the build from appveyor instead
Flyhngon wrote:Total coding noob here... I'm trying wrap my head around how to use lua code, and I can't wrap my head around how to get the freelook script to work. I get that I actually have to adjust some things in the code myself, but I'm unclear about what values need changing, and no matter what I do the code stops running because register3devent is a nil value..? Even when I think I'm defining it correctly?
Freecam is a feature I'd really like, but I'm too tech-illiterate to wrap my head around how the lua script works, even with the instructions given on the github and in the script itself.. help?
You need a recent-ish build of the emulator.
Bnthomason wrote:Hey, what emulator build are you using, and how would I get this to work with a 9.12 emulator with decent speed and graphics?
Scroll down to "Official Nightly Builds"
So, how would I reverse or change the controller assignments?
For example, in some games, when you push the L or R stick right, the camera pans in the opposite direction.
So, how would I reverse or change the controller assignments?
For example, in some games, when you push the L or R stick right, the camera pans in the opposite direction.
If both the up/down and left/right of the stick are inverted you can try using the dpad to set a negative scale. If you only need one axis inverted then you're on your own. The code's quite ugly but there are comments by the bits of code handling each button/stick. You should be able to slap(or remove) a '-' in there somewhere to invert the axis you need.
For example, to invert just the left/right of the left stick you'd change "MoveRight(-key.x * movscale);" to "MoveRight(key.x * movscale);". For up/down on the right stick you'd change "pitch = (pitch + (key.r * rotscale)) % 360;" to "pitch = (pitch + (-key.r * rotscale)) % 360;"
Last edited by windwakr (2019-04-21 18:37:52)
Bnthomason wrote:So, how would I reverse or change the controller assignments?
For example, in some games, when you push the L or R stick right, the camera pans in the opposite direction.
If both the up/down and left/right of the stick are inverted you can try using the dpad to set a negative scale. If you only need one axis inverted then you're on your own. The code's quite ugly but there are comments by the bits of code handling each button/stick. You should be able to slap(or remove) a '-' in there somewhere to invert the axis you need.
For example, to invert just the left/right of the left stick you'd change "MoveRight(-key.x * movscale);" to "MoveRight(key.x * movscale);". For up/down on the right stick you'd change "pitch = (pitch + (key.r * rotscale)) % 360;" to "pitch = (pitch + (-key.r * rotscale)) % 360;"
I figured that part out to invert just the x axis movement
xpos = xpos - fX
Now, the camera's also inverted (only the X axis (Left and Right))
I'm having an issue where when I simply input this:
function Rotate(angle,x,y,z)
local s = math.sin(math.rad(angle));
local c = math.cos(math.rad(angle));
return {(1-c)*x*x+c
instead of
function Rotate(angle,x,y,z)
local s = math.sin(math.rad(angle));
local c = math.cos(math.rad(angle));
return {(1-c)*x*x-c
The camera would flip and invert everything when looking up or down. Left and right works fine with this code.
I tried combinations of changing the other ones from - to + or + to -, but nothing seemed to work.
Then it clicked that if I invert every single one, it should possibly invert the camera look. So I tried this:
return {(1-c)*x*x-c, (1-c)*y*x+s*z, (1-c)*z*x-s*y, 0,
(1-c)*x*y-s*z, (1-c)*y*y-c, (1-c)*z*y+s*x, 0,
(1-c)*x*z+s*y, (1-c)*y*z+s*x, (1-c)*z*z-c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1};
And all that did was make the camera collapse, expand, invert, etc whenever I turn the camera (Even the Z axis, but only slightly)
Last edited by Bnthomason (2019-04-21 18:54:53)
Bnthomason wrote:So, how would I reverse or change the controller assignments?
For example, in some games, when you push the L or R stick right, the camera pans in the opposite direction.
If both the up/down and left/right of the stick are inverted you can try using the dpad to set a negative scale. If you only need one axis inverted then you're on your own. The code's quite ugly but there are comments by the bits of code handling each button/stick. You should be able to slap(or remove) a '-' in there somewhere to invert the axis you need.
For example, to invert just the left/right of the left stick you'd change "MoveRight(-key.x * movscale);" to "MoveRight(key.x * movscale);". For up/down on the right stick you'd change "pitch = (pitch + (key.r * rotscale)) % 360;" to "pitch = (pitch + (-key.r * rotscale)) % 360;"
Hey, so... how would I input keyboard values in addition to the Joystick?
For example, I would like the NUMKEYs to have certain positions.
I believe what I need to do first is add below joyID something like Keyboard?
Here's what I have so far:
KeyboardID = -1; --Keyboard ID to use. The script will attempt to find a suitable Keyboard, but you can manually set this if you wish
while true do
local key = input.get(KeyboardID)
Haven't had a chance to test this yet.
What are your thoughts or suggestions to make this work?
EDIT: I'm so close to figuring it out.
local table = {-1};
if table[1] == -1 then
for k = 0, 15 do
k = input.get(k);
KeyID = k;
print("Found suitable keyboard, id ", k);
print ("Using manually set keyboard, id ", KeyID);
if KeyID == -1 then
print("No suitable keyboard found!");
while true do
Last edited by Bnthomason (2019-05-02 07:01:47)
local table = {-1};
cooldown = 0;
if table[1] == -1 then
for k = 0, 15 do
k = input.get(k);
KeyID = k;
print("Found suitable keyboard, id ", k);
print ("Using manually set keyboard, id ", KeyID);
if KeyID == -1 then
print("No suitable keyboard found!");
while true do
while true do
local key = input.get(KeyID)
if key["0"] and cooldown==0 then --0 Key
cooldown = 20;
print("0 key");
if key["numpad0"] and cooldown==0 then --numpad 0 Key
cooldown = 20;
print("numpad 0 key");
if key["numpad+"] and cooldown==0 then --numpad + Key
cooldown = 20;
print("numpad+ key");
if key["A"] and cooldown==0 then --A Key
cooldown = 20;
print("A key");
if key["backspace"] and cooldown==0 then --backspace Key
cooldown = 20;
print("backspace key");
if key["space"] and cooldown==0 then --spacebar Key
cooldown = 20;
print("spacebar key");
if cooldown>0 then cooldown=cooldown-1 end
-- A full list of keys can be found here:
Case Solved
Can some one show me how this works I'm lost and have bounced between the issue page and here to no avail of it working on any game.
Right now it's just a toolkit for knowledgeable people. So, no.
how could I control the camera on a different layer?
3d games typically do not have multiple "layers", so your question makes no sense to me
Like in Desmume under tools and view layers, in some games I can only control the camera on one layer. Sorry if this is a stupid question.
those are 2d layers. there's no way to do that, and those layers are smaller than most game worlds, so most games are continually updating the smaller layer to make it seem infinite, so that there is no point to moving the camera over them since you won't see anything but the edge of the updated area
local table = {-1};
cooldown = 0;
if table[1] == -1 then
for k = 0, 15 do
k = input.get(k);
KeyID = k;
print("Found suitable keyboard, id ", k);
print ("Using manually set keyboard, id ", KeyID);
if KeyID == -1 then
print("No suitable keyboard found!");
while true do
while true do
local key = input.get(KeyID)
if key["0"] and cooldown==0 then --0 Key
cooldown = 20;
print("0 key");
if key["numpad0"] and cooldown==0 then --numpad 0 Key
cooldown = 20;
print("numpad 0 key");
if key["numpad+"] and cooldown==0 then --numpad + Key
cooldown = 20;
print("numpad+ key");
if key["A"] and cooldown==0 then --A Key
cooldown = 20;
print("A key");
if key["backspace"] and cooldown==0 then --backspace Key
cooldown = 20;
print("backspace key");
if key["space"] and cooldown==0 then --spacebar Key
cooldown = 20;
print("spacebar key");
if cooldown>0 then cooldown=cooldown-1 end
end-- A full list of keys can be found here:
Case Solved
ik this was made for a keyboard how can you make the controller lua script work with this one? I want to be able to controll the camera with using a keyboard.
Putting this here to get people to stop replying in the issue page on github.
DeSmuME now has the ability to implement freelook through Lua scripting. Read zeromus' explanation on that here.
I've created this crappy script to look around with a controller. Honestly have no clue what I'm doing, but it somehow works well enough with most games I've tried. It's not a universal solution, though. There's a bunch of games that it doesn't work that great or at all with.
Some webms showing it off: with something like an xbox 360 controller, or modify the controls to suit your needs.
Left stick moves left/right and forward/back
Right stick rotates
Triggers move up down(according to where you're looking)A button resets position, rotation, and pitch offset
B button resets rotation and pitch offset
X sets pitch offset
Y resets the movement and rotation scaleDpad Up/Down sets the movement scale
Dpad Left/Right sets the rotation scale
Hold the left or right bumper to make smaller or bigger changes to the scalesSetting the pitch offset is important. Without doing so, your view will roll around as you look left and right in most games.
Angle your pitch towards the "horizon" and press X. Then try and rotate the camera 90 degrees to the left or right and adjust up/down a little while pressing X until everything's level.--Assumes you have an Xbox style controller joyID = -1; --Joystick ID to use. The script will attempt to find a suitable joystick, but you can manually set this if you wish yaw = 0.0; pitch = 0.0; pitchoffs = 0.0; --used to correct for the initial pitch of the camera xpos = 0.0; --coordinates in a virtual 3D space ypos = 0.0; --^^^ zpos = 0.0; --^^^ matAdjustment = {1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1}; movscale = 1.0; rotscale = 1.0; cooldown = 0; function MatrixMult4x4(m1, m2) --sorta copied/inspired from some lua matrix library local mtx = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} for i=1,4 do for j=1,4 do local num = 0 for n=1,4 do num = num + m1[(i-1)*4+n] * m2[(n-1)*4+j] mtx[(i-1)*4+j] = num end end end return mtx; end function Rotate(angle,x,y,z) local s = math.sin(math.rad(angle)); local c = math.cos(math.rad(angle)); return {(1-c)*x*x+c, (1-c)*y*x-s*z, (1-c)*z*x+s*y, 0, (1-c)*x*y+s*z, (1-c)*y*y+c, (1-c)*z*y-s*x, 0, (1-c)*x*z-s*y, (1-c)*y*z+s*x, (1-c)*z*z+c, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1}; end function vecrotx(angle, vx, vy, vz) --used for pitch correction in the functions below return vx, vy * math.cos(math.rad(angle)) - vz * math.sin(math.rad(angle)), vy * math.sin(math.rad(angle)) + vz * math.cos(math.rad(angle)); end function MoveForward(l) --sorta based off local fX = math.sin(math.rad(yaw)) * math.cos(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs)); local fY = -math.sin(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs)); local fZ = -math.cos(math.rad(yaw)) * math.cos(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs)); fX, fY, fZ = vecrotx(pitchoffs, fX, fY, fZ); local mag = math.sqrt(fX*fX + fY*fY + fZ*fZ); fX = fX / mag; fY = fY / mag; fZ = fZ / mag; fX = fX * l; fY = fY * l; fZ = fZ * l; xpos = xpos + fX; ypos = ypos + fY; zpos = zpos + fZ; end function MoveUp(l) local fX = math.sin(math.rad(yaw)) * math.cos(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs+90)); local fY = -math.sin(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs+90)); local fZ = -math.cos(math.rad(yaw)) * math.cos(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs+90)); fX, fY, fZ = vecrotx(pitchoffs, fX, fY, fZ); local mag = math.sqrt(fX*fX + fY*fY + fZ*fZ); fX = fX / mag; fY = fY / mag; fZ = fZ / mag; fX = fX * l; fY = fY * l; fZ = fZ * l; xpos = xpos + fX; ypos = ypos + fY; zpos = zpos + fZ; end function MoveRight(l) local fX = math.sin(math.rad(yaw+90)); local fY = 0; local fZ = -math.cos(math.rad(yaw+90)); fX, fY, fZ = vecrotx(pitchoffs, fX, fY, fZ); local mag = math.sqrt(fX*fX + fY*fY + fZ*fZ); fX = fX / mag; fY = fY / mag; fZ = fZ / mag; fX = fX * l; fY = fY * l; fZ = fZ * l; xpos = xpos + fX; ypos = ypos + fY; zpos = zpos + fZ; end function on3d() emu.set3dtransform(2,matAdjustment); end emu.register3devent(on3d); emu.set3dtransform(1,nil); if joyID == -1 then for i = 0, 15 do c = controller.get(i); if c.x and c.y and c.z and c.u and c.r then --simple check that only looks for all the needed axes joyID = i; print("Found suitable joystick, id " .. i); break; end end else print("Using manually set joystick, id " .. joyID); end if joyID == -1 then print("No suitable joystick found!"); while true do emu.frameadvance(); end end while true do local key = controller.get(joyID) scalemult = 1; if key["5"] then --Left bumper scalemult = 0.1; elseif key["6"] then --Right bumper scalemult = 10; end if key.up and cooldown==0 then --Dpad cooldown = 10; movscale = movscale + (0.1 * scalemult); print("Movement scale: " .. movscale); end if key.down and cooldown==0 then --Dpad cooldown = 10; movscale = movscale - (0.1 * scalemult); print("Movement scale: " .. movscale); end if key.right and cooldown==0 then --Dpad cooldown = 10; rotscale = rotscale + (0.1 * scalemult); print("Rotation scale: " .. rotscale); end if key.left and cooldown==0 then --Dpad cooldown = 10; rotscale = rotscale - (0.1 * scalemult); print("Rotation scale: " .. rotscale); end if(math.abs(key.x)>0.25) then --Left Stick MoveRight(-key.x * movscale); end if(math.abs(key.y)>0.25) then --Left Stick MoveForward(key.y * movscale); end if(math.abs(key.z)>0.25) then --Triggers MoveUp(-key.z * movscale); end if(math.abs(key.u)>0.25) then --Right Stick yaw = (yaw + (key.u * rotscale)) % 360; end if(math.abs(key.r)>0.25) then --Right Stick pitch = (pitch + (key.r * rotscale)) % 360; end if key["1"] and cooldown==0 then --A button cooldown = 20; yaw = 0.0; pitch = 0.0; pitchoffs = 0.0; xpos = 0.0; ypos = 0.0; zpos = 0.0; movscale = 1.0; rotscale = 1.0; print("Reset everything"); end if key["2"] and cooldown==0 then --B button cooldown = 20; yaw = 0.0; pitch = 0.0; pitchoffs = 0.0; print("Reset rotations"); end if key["3"] then --X button pitchoffs = -pitch; end if key["4"] and cooldown==0 then --Y button cooldown = 20; movscale = 1.0; rotscale = 1.0; print("Movement/rotation scales reset"); end local tmp = Rotate(-yaw, 0.0, math.cos(math.rad(pitchoffs)), math.sin(math.rad(pitchoffs))); tmp = MatrixMult4x4(tmp, Rotate(-pitch, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0)); local translation = {1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,xpos,ypos,zpos,1}; matAdjustment = MatrixMult4x4(translation, tmp); if cooldown>0 then cooldown=cooldown-1 end emu.frameadvance(); end
hey windwakr can you create another lua script that has the ability to move the camera using keyboard?
you were better off on github where people actually get alerts on threads theyve subscribed to
Take this to your local computer programming club, I think you guys can work it out.
hey windwakr can you create another lua script that has the ability to move the camera using keyboard?
This adds keyboard support and mouse aiming. No thought was put into the controls other than avoiding DeSmuME's default hotkeys, so feel free to adjust them.
--Configure the keyboard controls below
forwardsKey = "U"; --These keys move the camera forward, backward, left, right, up, down
backwardsKey = "J"; --^^^
leftKey = "H"; --^^^
rightKey = "K"; --^^^
upKey = "T"; --^^^
downKey = "G"; --^^^
rotateUpKey = "numpad8"; --These keys rotate the camera
rotateDownKey = "numpad5"; --^^^
rotateLeftKey = "numpad4"; --^^^
rotateRightKey = "numpad6"; --^^^
pitchOffsetKey = "Y"; --Sets the pitch offset to correct for unwanted roll. Aim at the horizon and press to set it.
resetKey = "L"; --Resets everything
movScaleDownKey = "numpad0"; --Adjusts movement scaling down
movScaleUpKey = "numpad1"; --Adjusts movement scaling up
rotScaleDownKey = "numpad2"; --Adjusts rotation scaling down
rotScaleUpKey = "numpad3"; --Adjusts rotation scaling up
scaleMultDownKey = "numpad7"; --Makes the scale adjustment keys 10x less effective
scaleMultUpKey = "numpad9"; --Makes the scale adjustment keys 10x more effective
mouseAimButton = "rightclick"; --Button for mouse aiming. May be leftclick, rightclick, middleclick or a keyboard key
--Gamepad controls assume you have an Xbox style controller
-- Left stick moves left/right and forward/back
-- Right stick rotates
-- Triggers move up down
-- A button resets position, rotation, and pitch offset
-- B button resets rotation and pitch offset
-- X sets pitch offset
-- Y resets the movement and rotation scale
-- Dpad Up/Down adjusts the movement scale
-- Dpad Left/Right adjusts the rotation scale
-- Hold the left or right bumpers to make smaller or bigger changes to the scales
-- Setting the pitch offset is important. Without doing so, your view will roll around as you look left and right in most games.
-- Angle your view towards the "horizon" and rotate the camera 90 degrees to the left or right. Then hold X and adjust up/down a little until everything's level.
joyID = -1; --Controller ID to use. The script will attempt to find a suitable controller, but you can manually set this if you wish
yaw = 0.0;
pitch = 0.0;
pitchoffs = 0.0; --used to correct for the initial pitch of the camera
xpos = 0.0; --coordinates in a virtual 3D space
ypos = 0.0; --^^^
zpos = 0.0; --^^^
matAdjustment = {1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1};
movscale = 1.0;
rotscale = 1.0;
cooldown = 0;
function MatrixMult4x4(m1, m2) --sorta copied/inspired from some lua matrix library
local mtx = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
for i=1,4 do
for j=1,4 do
local num = 0
for n=1,4 do
num = num + m1[(i-1)*4+n] * m2[(n-1)*4+j]
mtx[(i-1)*4+j] = num
return mtx;
function Rotate(angle,x,y,z)
local s = math.sin(math.rad(angle));
local c = math.cos(math.rad(angle));
return {(1-c)*x*x+c, (1-c)*y*x-s*z, (1-c)*z*x+s*y, 0,
(1-c)*x*y+s*z, (1-c)*y*y+c, (1-c)*z*y-s*x, 0,
(1-c)*x*z-s*y, (1-c)*y*z+s*x, (1-c)*z*z+c, 0,
0, 0, 0, 1};
function vecrotx(angle, vx, vy, vz) --used for pitch correction in the functions below
return vx,
vy * math.cos(math.rad(angle)) - vz * math.sin(math.rad(angle)),
vy * math.sin(math.rad(angle)) + vz * math.cos(math.rad(angle));
function ApplyMovement(fX, fY, fZ, l)
fX, fY, fZ = vecrotx(pitchoffs, fX, fY, fZ);
local mag = math.sqrt(fX*fX + fY*fY + fZ*fZ);
fX = fX / mag; fY = fY / mag; fZ = fZ / mag;
fX = fX * l; fY = fY * l; fZ = fZ * l;
xpos = xpos + fX; ypos = ypos + fY; zpos = zpos + fZ;
function MoveForward(l) --sorta based off
local fX = math.sin(math.rad(yaw)) * math.cos(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs));
local fY = -math.sin(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs));
local fZ = -math.cos(math.rad(yaw)) * math.cos(math.rad(pitch+pitchoffs));
ApplyMovement(fX, fY, fZ, l);
function MoveUp(l)
local fX = math.sin(math.rad(yaw)) * math.cos(math.rad(pitchoffs+90));
local fY = -math.sin(math.rad(pitchoffs+90));
local fZ = -math.cos(math.rad(yaw)) * math.cos(math.rad(pitchoffs+90));
ApplyMovement(fX, fY, fZ, l);
function MoveRight(l)
local fX = math.sin(math.rad(yaw+90));
local fY = 0;
local fZ = -math.cos(math.rad(yaw+90));
ApplyMovement(fX, fY, fZ, l);
function on3d()
if joyID == -1 then
for i = 0, 15 do
c = controller.get(i);
if c.x and c.y and c.z and c.u and c.r then --simple check that only looks for all the needed axes
joyID = i;
print("Found suitable controller, id " .. i);
print("Using manually set controller, id " .. joyID);
if joyID == -1 then
print("No suitable controller found!");
while true do
if joyID ~= -1 then
local joy = controller.get(joyID)
scalemult = 1;
if joy["5"] then --Left bumper
scalemult = 0.1;
elseif joy["6"] then --Right bumper
scalemult = 10;
if joy.up and cooldown==0 then --Dpad
cooldown = 10;
movscale = movscale + (0.1 * scalemult);
print("Movement scale: " .. movscale);
if joy.down and cooldown==0 then --Dpad
cooldown = 10;
movscale = movscale - (0.1 * scalemult);
print("Movement scale: " .. movscale);
if joy.right and cooldown==0 then --Dpad
cooldown = 10;
rotscale = rotscale + (0.1 * scalemult);
print("Rotation scale: " .. rotscale);
if joy.left and cooldown==0 then --Dpad
cooldown = 10;
rotscale = rotscale - (0.1 * scalemult);
print("Rotation scale: " .. rotscale);
if(math.abs(joy.x)>0.25) then --Left Stick
MoveRight(-joy.x * movscale);
if(math.abs(joy.y)>0.25) then --Left Stick
MoveForward(joy.y * movscale);
if(math.abs(joy.z)>0.25) then --Triggers
MoveUp(-joy.z * movscale);
if(math.abs(joy.u)>0.25) then --Right Stick
yaw = (yaw + (joy.u * rotscale)) % 360;
if(math.abs(joy.r)>0.25) then --Right Stick
pitch = (pitch + (joy.r * rotscale)) % 360;
if joy["1"] and cooldown==0 then --A button
cooldown = 20;
yaw = 0.0;
pitch = 0.0;
pitchoffs = 0.0;
xpos = 0.0;
ypos = 0.0;
zpos = 0.0;
movscale = 1.0;
rotscale = 1.0;
print("Reset everything");
if joy["2"] and cooldown==0 then --B button
cooldown = 20;
yaw = 0.0;
pitch = 0.0;
pitchoffs = 0.0;
print("Reset rotations");
if joy["3"] then --X button
pitchoffs = -pitch;
if joy["4"] and cooldown==0 then --Y button
cooldown = 20;
movscale = 1.0;
rotscale = 1.0;
print("Movement/rotation scales reset");
if joy["8"] and cooldown==0 then --Start
cooldown = 20;
print(string.format("X,Y,Z = {%.4f, %.4f, %.4f}", xpos, ypos, zpos));
print(string.format("yaw,pitch = {%.4f, %.4f}", yaw, pitch));
print(string.format("pitch offset = %.4f", pitchoffs));
--Ugly duplicated code for keyboard input
keys = input.get()
scalemult = 1;
if keys[scaleMultDownKey] then
scalemult = 0.1;
elseif keys[scaleMultUpKey] then
scalemult = 10;
if keys[movScaleUpKey] and cooldown==0 then --Dpad
cooldown = 10;
movscale = movscale + (0.1 * scalemult);
print("Movement scale: " .. movscale);
if keys[movScaleDownKey] and cooldown==0 then --Dpad
cooldown = 10;
movscale = movscale - (0.1 * scalemult);
print("Movement scale: " .. movscale);
if keys[rotScaleUpKey] and cooldown==0 then --Dpad
cooldown = 10;
rotscale = rotscale + (0.1 * scalemult);
print("Rotation scale: " .. rotscale);
if keys[rotScaleDownKey] and cooldown==0 then --Dpad
cooldown = 10;
rotscale = rotscale - (0.1 * scalemult);
print("Rotation scale: " .. rotscale);
if keys[forwardsKey] then
MoveForward(-1 * movscale);
if keys[backwardsKey] then
MoveForward(1 * movscale);
if keys[leftKey] then
MoveRight(1 * movscale);
if keys[rightKey] then
MoveRight(-1 * movscale);
if keys[upKey] then
MoveUp(1 * movscale);
if keys[downKey] then
MoveUp(-1 * movscale);
if keys[rotateUpKey] then
pitch = (pitch - 1 * rotscale) % 360;
if keys[rotateDownKey] then
pitch = (pitch + 1 * rotscale) % 360;
if keys[rotateLeftKey] then
yaw = (yaw - 1 * rotscale) % 360;
if keys[rotateRightKey] then
yaw = (yaw + 1 * rotscale) % 360;
if keys[pitchOffsetKey] then
pitchoffs = -pitch;
if keys[resetKey] and cooldown==0 then
cooldown = 20;
yaw = 0.0;
pitch = 0.0;
pitchoffs = 0.0;
xpos = 0.0;
ypos = 0.0;
zpos = 0.0;
movscale = 1.0;
rotscale = 1.0;
print("Reset everything");
--Mouse aiming
if keys[mouseAimButton] then
if keys.xmouse and keys.ymouse then
tmpX = (keys.xmouse - 128) / 128;
tmpY = (keys.ymouse - 96) / 96;
yaw = (yaw + tmpX * rotscale) % 360;
pitch = (pitch + tmpY * rotscale) % 360;
local tmp = Rotate(-yaw, 0.0, math.cos(math.rad(pitchoffs)), math.sin(math.rad(pitchoffs))); --roll correction magic sauce
tmp = MatrixMult4x4(tmp, Rotate(-pitch, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0));
local translation = {1,0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0,1,0,xpos,ypos,zpos,1};
matAdjustment = MatrixMult4x4(translation, tmp);
if cooldown>0 then cooldown=cooldown-1 end
Last edited by windwakr (2023-06-26 03:50:51)
Pages: 1