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Pages: 1
searching for apps using libosmesa, I found this project, but it seems to me that the revision 4905 removed the osmesa support, in osmesa_3Demu.cpp init_osmesa_3Demu():
- ctx = OSMesaCreateContext(OSMESA_RGBA, NULL);
on my debian, with the version 0.9.8 I can run with --3d-engine=2:
DeSmuME 0.9.8 svnr0 dev+
Shaders aren't supported on your system, using fixed pipeline
(Shaders aren't supported by OSMesa.)
Successfully created OpenGL Framebuffer object (FBO)
instead, with the version 0.9.10 I got:
DeSmuME 0.9.10 svn0 dev+ x64-JIT
OSMesaCreateContext failed!
Failed to initialise openGL 3D emulation; removing 3D support
it should be fixed adding again a call to OSMesaCreateContext()
Pages: 1