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We won't make a 3DS/2DS emulator.

#1 2016-02-09 17:51:27

From: Peach__'s castle
Registered: 2009-05-29
Posts: 18

long time no see, I guess

nice to see this account still works (I'm now known as StapleButter for the curious)

"WiFi not emulated and not supported!!"

and nice to see that my hard work in that domain is still being shit on because "omg nintendo could sue us if people connected to their servers"

if you wonder why I have lost all motivation to work on desmume, that's one of the reasons

regardless, how are you guys doing?

Kuribo64 - If you're wondering where Mario__ is, he's currently saving Peach__ once again.


#2 2016-02-09 19:16:53

Registered: 2011-06-04
Posts: 380

Re: long time no see, I guess

Hi StapleButter, long time no see!

I only jumped onto this project in 2011, so you might not know me. I'm primarily the Mac developer that maintains the Cocoa frontend. Lately, I've been doing a lot of work on the NDS 2D/3D rendering system, mostly code cleanup and optimizations. If you haven't tried out DeSmuME recently, you should try taking it for a spin! It should run faster than ever before. Plus, it has high-resolution 3D rendering and a dynamic recompiler for the CPU. Here's a link to our dev builds:

As for the "WiFi not emulated and not supported!!" statement, that statement was never meant as an insult towards you or your work -- it was meant to prevent the hordes of Pokemon kiddies from getting their hopes up. They were annoying back then, and they continue to be annoying now. So please don't take offense, because a lot of people do appreciate the work you've done up to this point. In fact, I really hope you do come back to work on Wi-Fi because we haven't made any progress on it since you left. If you have the time, we could use your expertise now more than ever. We still have your notes on Wi-Fi on the Wiki: … about_WiFi

Again, glad to see you back. I hope you've been doing well.


#3 2016-02-09 20:26:40

From: Peach__'s castle
Registered: 2009-05-29
Posts: 18

Re: long time no see, I guess

looks like you've been doing some good job, I thought desmume was more or less dead these times, guess I'm proven wrong tongue

re: wifi

I understand your point, but the solution chosen is radical-- when you release an emulator, you'll always have to deal with hordes of noobs, and applying the same solution to the general problem would basically mean suppressing the emulator from the internet

sure, that'd get rid of the problem, but it's a bit of an easy solution

I'm not blaming you there though, I damn well know who's responsible for that

but that's not the whole reason why I lost motivation. It's mostly that from an emulation point of view, desmume reached a mostly-mature status, and therefore there isn't as much exciting work to do anymore imo

as for wifi, I kept trying but could never get local multiplayer working, it seems to require insane accuracy

and yeah, I'm doing well, I'm mostly into ROM hacking and emulation these days (you can check out my website for a little preview of what I'm into)

Kuribo64 - If you're wondering where Mario__ is, he's currently saving Peach__ once again.


#4 2016-02-09 22:22:38

Registered: 2011-06-04
Posts: 380

Re: long time no see, I guess

DeSmuME's codebase may be old, but I wouldn't say that DeSmuME is "mature" by any means. There are MANY parts of the emulator that need bugfixes and heavy code refactors. There are also key features missing in WiFi and DSi ROM handling. We really need help in these areas right now.

Last edited by rogerman (2016-02-09 22:24:28)


#5 2016-02-09 22:23:58

From: Peach__'s castle
Registered: 2009-05-29
Posts: 18

Re: long time no see, I guess

I figure; I tend to prefer working on things that have visible results though tongue

Kuribo64 - If you're wondering where Mario__ is, he's currently saving Peach__ once again.


#6 2016-03-14 14:29:33

Registered: 2016-03-14
Posts: 1

Re: long time no see, I guess

Luigi__ wrote:

nice to see this account still works (I'm now known as StapleButter for the curious)

"WiFi not emulated and not supported!!"

and nice to see that my hard work in that domain is still being shit on because "omg nintendo could sue us if people connected to their servers"

if you wonder why I have lost all motivation to work on desmume, that's one of the reasons

regardless, how are you guys doing?

No worries Luigi__, I've thought about contributing to the project as well and decided against it.

I'm sure they have their reasons but to an outsider like me, the whole DeSmuME team atmosphere just seems so ... passive aggressive, judging from most of the comments made by the lead developer on these forums.

The DeSmuME lead team has made some very questionable decisions (full out aggression at any mention of wifi being one of them) and I think that has led to the current stagnation of the project.

...but thankfully there are much more productive groups out there with much more supportive and capable leaders!

My 2c


#7 2016-03-14 20:56:39

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: long time no see, I guess

talk's cheap. code's hard.


#8 2016-04-26 20:14:01

From: Peach__'s castle
Registered: 2009-05-29
Posts: 18

Re: long time no see, I guess

you remind me of another reason why I left desmume

I'll be blunt and say that most of the code you have touched has become a giant mess

sometimes it's really good code (ie. your 3D rasterizer), but it comes at the expense of code readability

there are also other related things I'm not fond of, like packing a ton of statically-linked libraries into desmume-- the final executable is as big as PCSX2, which really says something given what it is

I'm sure there are some that can be removed, for example, why make the Windows frontend use glib threads (requiring a bunch of ports of Linux libraries) instead of native threads?

but honestly the best part was when you tried going behind my back and silently sabotaging wifi-related things -- is this the kind of interaction you would expect from a team? I have worked hard on that thing for ages and do I even get the slightest amount of credit for it? nope, because you decided that it had to be hidden from the public at all costs for whatever dumb reasons you made up (dealing with noobs? you released an emulator, too late. avoiding lawsuits? bullshit. avoiding severe forms of WFC cheating? not hard if you take the time to think it through.)

"but if they modify desmume to cheat, we're responsible" -- no we're not.

if a burglar uses a crowbar to break into a house, you don't say the crowbar maker is responsible for it.

the same logic applies if you don't go out of your way to make desmume allow that kind of cheating/hacking.

well, whatever. I might mess with DS emulation again eventually... but I will sure as hell stay away from desmume.

now I guess all has been said.

Last edited by Luigi__ (2016-04-26 20:29:10)

Kuribo64 - If you're wondering where Mario__ is, he's currently saving Peach__ once again.


#9 2016-05-18 11:36:37

Registered: 2016-05-18
Posts: 1

Re: long time no see, I guess

It is a pity that there is so many bad feelings, with nintendo killing the wfc and the homebrew wfc like altwfc growing, it would be a great time to get the wifi compatibility going.


#10 2016-05-31 15:53:08

Awesome Possum
Registered: 2009-02-15
Posts: 655

Re: long time no see, I guess

Lol. Glad to see so little has changed. Hi everybody. tongue


#11 2016-06-01 02:10:47

From: Peach__'s castle
Registered: 2009-05-29
Posts: 18

Re: long time no see, I guess … g_ds_wifi/

seems like desmume got famous

oh and if you wonder where the actual sabotaging was: … /winpcap.h … /winpcap.h

r3602 renamed one of the pcap imports to something that doesn't exist (pcap_sendpacket -> pcap_send), which wasn't mentioned at all in the commit message.

r3636 was me thinking that there were pcap versions that actually had pcap_send.

r3639 was zeromus confirming that pcap_send doesn't exist and that he was just silently trying to sabotage code.

Last edited by Luigi__ (2016-06-01 02:15:38)

Kuribo64 - If you're wondering where Mario__ is, he's currently saving Peach__ once again.


#12 2016-06-01 04:03:16

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: long time no see, I guess

If you want to discuss this with me, you know where to find me.


#13 2017-04-05 04:18:09

Registered: 2010-04-21
Posts: 211

Re: long time no see, I guess

Look likes Luigi (StapleButter) was making another emulator called melonDS on this website!

Source Code:-

I hope WIFI are almost working at very soon! big_smile


#14 2017-07-17 01:47:13

Registered: 2010-04-21
Posts: 211

Re: long time no see, I guess

melonDS version 0.4 is now support WIFI working on some games (including POKEMON)!!!! big_smile

I hope Desmume will continue working WIFI support very SOON™!!!


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