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#1 2015-12-06 11:45:36

Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 8

Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

Every once in a while after coming out of Building or Battle it comes up like this:




It goes back to Normal after a Battle,Go Inside or put something up on Top Screen. So not a Game Breaker.

So is this Fixable or Something that you need to fix in upcoming Releases?


#2 2015-12-06 18:13:11

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

save in-game and reset the emulator frequently. when your characters start glitching, the game is about to freeze.


#3 2015-12-07 03:14:46

Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 8

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

zeromus wrote:

save in-game and reset the emulator frequently. when your characters start glitching, the game is about to freeze.

I have do save soon as that Happen but I have not seen my game Freeze yet when it does this


#4 2015-12-07 03:16:37

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

then you're a lucky guy.


#5 2015-12-07 04:40:57

Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 8

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

zeromus wrote:

then you're a lucky guy.

Thanks but what would be Causing this?


#6 2015-12-07 05:03:20

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

a bug in the game combined with a bug in the emulator which won't be fixed


#7 2015-12-07 06:57:39

Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 8

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

zeromus wrote:

a bug in the game combined with a bug in the emulator which won't be fixed

What is the Bug in the Game and Emulator?

So this is a Well Known Problem with HeartGold and SoulSilver?

Why won't be Fixed

Last edited by DaveTheMan (2015-12-07 07:48:38)


#8 2015-12-07 09:19:29

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

the game contains a synchronization error between the vram upload and vsync process.
desmume contains imperfect timing. the bug manifests on flash cards as well due to their minor effects on the game timing.
it is a well known problem with heartgold and soulsilver.
it won't be fixed because the timing of emulation cannot be perfect within our lifetimes and it all we can do right now is randomly fudge things around which will break other games in more severe ways.


#9 2015-12-07 11:03:38

Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 8

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

zeromus wrote:

the game contains a synchronization error between the vram upload and vsync process.
desmume contains imperfect timing. the bug manifests on flash cards as well due to their minor effects on the game timing.
it is a well known problem with heartgold and soulsilver.
it won't be fixed because the timing of emulation cannot be perfect within our lifetimes and it all we can do right now is randomly fudge things around which will break other games in more severe ways.

Thank you very Much for Explaining That.

Though what you mean that Timing of Emulation will never be Perfect enough to 100% fix this Problem?


#10 2015-12-07 17:29:25

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue



#11 2015-12-07 23:45:51

Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 8

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

zeromus wrote:


Got Ya.

Just found the Wiki you had on Pokemon Here: … _questions

So just save the Game Normally(Was Doing that Anyway) is the best way to go about playing HearGold and SoulSilver?


#12 2015-12-08 03:36:02

Registered: 2010-04-21
Posts: 211

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

You should look this website for list of glitches on each Pokemon games! … eration_IV

Also, someone post it at SourceForge website few years ago will same problem and get some random glitches!

The results is... If you wanna play this games, just be careful! Just save and save and save! Go inside any buildings by door and go outside back for safe
mode. I also play this games long time ago, until random glitches appear. If the games was crashed out, reset the games and continue playing the games.


#13 2015-12-08 09:17:07

Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 8

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

AsPoke3172 wrote:

You should look this website for list of glitches on each Pokemon games! … eration_IV

Also, someone post it at SourceForge website few years ago will same problem and get some random glitches!

The results is... If you wanna play this games, just be careful! Just save and save and save! Go inside any buildings by door and go outside back for safe
mode. I also play this games long time ago, until random glitches appear. If the games was crashed out, reset the games and continue playing the games.

Thanks for the Help Mate.

Though Using the Latest Build would mean there could be Less of these Weird Glitches?


#14 2015-12-08 18:50:16

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue



#15 2015-12-09 03:55:06

Registered: 2015-12-06
Posts: 8

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

zeromus wrote:


So what ever Version of Emulator that is Used makes no Difference?


#16 2015-12-09 05:42:28

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue



#17 2016-01-22 06:15:06

Registered: 2012-10-02
Posts: 26

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

zeromus wrote:

the game contains a synchronization error between the vram upload and vsync process.
desmume contains imperfect timing. the bug manifests on flash cards as well due to their minor effects on the game timing.
it is a well known problem with heartgold and soulsilver.
it won't be fixed because the timing of emulation cannot be perfect within our lifetimes and it all we can do right now is randomly fudge things around which will break other games in more severe ways.

Then why are all other Pokémon games fine? Like Black and White have no issues with crashing, so it makes no sense. Is it just easier to get around in 5th gen games?

Last edited by Blob55 (2016-01-22 06:15:33)


#18 2016-01-22 06:30:43

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

That part of the game was reprogrammed. It makes perfect sense.


#19 2021-01-19 09:26:18

Registered: 2021-01-19
Posts: 1

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

i had this issue with the sprites glitching and turning to black screen had to save ingame and restart the emulator but may have found the problem its been working fine for me since i did this my emulator was going faster than normal like 4x faster i dont know why but i slowed it down to normal speed and havent had the problem since (Go to config then frame skip and make sure limit framerate is ticked and 0 never skip is ticked) it fixed it for me and i think what was happining was the game was speed up too fast the game was glitching hope this helps


#20 2021-01-19 22:26:52

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

nope, speeding up the game is invisible to the game. most people are encountering this bug (if they are using an old version of desmume; none of them are encountering it if using a recent build) while running at 1.0 speed. but thanks for sharing your thoughts.


#21 2021-04-10 08:41:56

Registered: 2021-04-10
Posts: 1

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

In Pokemon Soul Silver, whenever I run into the tall grass a level 1 turtwig comes up. This is pretty weird as Soul Silver is Gen 2 and Turtwig is from Gen 4. I caught one an its lvl 18 Grotle. I think this bug might be fixed by maybe releasing Grotle, but I'm not too keen to try it. Can anyone help me? Also I need a water type because that's the only way to get to ecruteak city. There is another bug aswell. In the game corner (Goldenrod city) I always get 3 on the cards so I can get 50 000 coins in just 2 rows! Also I can get lots of dratinis smile I know that one is good but the turtwig one is annoying. Can someone also tell me how to level up an abra if all it knows is teleport. PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME THIS IS SO ANNOYING


#22 2021-04-11 20:01:45

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Avatar Glitch with Pokemon HeartGold on latest DeSemue

You just don't understand the rules of pokemon. Ask on a pokemon gamer's forum. I assure you none of that is bugs in desmume.


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