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#1 2013-10-25 11:50:19

Registered: 2013-10-25
Posts: 11

Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

I tried SMT: Devil Survivor on desmume (both on 0.9.9 and 0.9.8) and in both it just hang after the intro (roughly when yuzu give the comps). I can't get past of that point. Help?


#2 2013-10-25 18:39:51

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

you sure there arent more details you need to give? like what OS youre using, whether youre using hacked roms, cheats, etc.? I'm sure many people are playing devil survivor on desmume.


#3 2013-10-26 23:24:31

Registered: 2013-10-25
Posts: 11

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

Os is Windows 7, the rom shouldn't be hacked (it work fine on no$gba for example), no cheats at all. Oh i tried both 0.9.8 and 0.9.9 and no luck.


#4 2013-10-27 06:11:21

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

just because the rom runs fine on nocash doesnt mean the rom isnt hacked.  whats the game code and rom CRC (use _dev.exe)?


#5 2013-10-27 08:13:57

From: Ukraine
Registered: 2007-10-26
Posts: 121

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

works fine for me

ROM game code: CVIE
ROM crc: DD1C2254
ROM chipID: 00003FC2
ROM internal name: D_SURVIVOR
ROM developer: Atlus



#6 2013-10-27 12:05:50

Registered: 2013-10-25
Posts: 11

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

zeromus wrote:

just because the rom runs fine on nocash doesnt mean the rom isnt hacked.  whats the game code and rom CRC (use _dev.exe)?

Rom game code: CVIE
Rom CRC: DD1C2254
Rom serial: NTR-CVIE-USA


#7 2013-10-27 14:45:04

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

same CRC as for me. works fine for me too. you using someone's hacked desmume builds? you sure someone didnt sneak onto your computer and use some cheats? that happens, sometimes, apparently. make sure theres no .cht or .dct files laying around


#8 2013-10-27 15:30:42

Registered: 2013-10-25
Posts: 11

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

zeromus wrote:

same CRC as for me. works fine for me too. you using someone's hacked desmume builds? you sure someone didnt sneak onto your computer and use some cheats? that happens, sometimes, apparently. make sure theres no .cht or .dct files laying around

The devpro i use are both (0.9.8 and 0.9.9) downloaded from the main site, so they should be ok. Also i double checked for the cheats and i don't have any (i don't use them in the first place lol). Also i'm the only one that use desmume.


#9 2013-10-27 18:58:50

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

maybe youre doing something strange to the configuration which freezes it. delete your desmume.ini and try again. Dont change the 3d renderer.
I've tried it in the 32bit version and crazymax in the x64 so thats not the critical difference.
Does your desmume hang (so the menu is unresponsive) or is it just the game?


#10 2013-10-27 19:20:44

Registered: 2013-10-25
Posts: 11

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

zeromus wrote:

maybe youre doing something strange to the configuration which freezes it. delete your desmume.ini and try again. Dont change the 3d renderer.
I've tried it in the 32bit version and crazymax in the x64 so thats not the critical difference.
Does your desmume hang (so the menu is unresponsive) or is it just the game?

Desmume don't freeze, the game simply hang at the beginning after the intro and the name input. Also no other game i tried seem to have this issue.

Last edited by DMaster2 (2013-10-27 19:21:12)


#11 2013-10-28 23:43:26

Registered: 2013-10-25
Posts: 11

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

So there is no solution?


#12 2013-10-28 23:52:14

From: Ukraine
Registered: 2007-10-26
Posts: 121

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

if dont work input when made screenshot where happens this


#13 2013-10-29 00:45:34

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

How can we tell you the solution when we dont understand what the problem is yet?

I think he means, can you please confirm whether or not you've made it past the point of his screenshot when it freezes? Or, in general, be exactly precise about where it freezes. Also, does the music freeze/stop or is it solely the input that stops?


#14 2013-10-29 01:02:21

Registered: 2013-10-25
Posts: 11

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

zeromus wrote:

How can we tell you the solution when we dont understand what the problem is yet?

I think he means, can you please confirm whether or not you've made it past the point of his screenshot when it freezes? Or, in general, be exactly precise about where it freezes. Also, does the music freeze/stop or is it solely the input that stops?

I do know what the problem is, maybe i just didn't explained it at best. Desmume don't freeze, it work normally. It's the game that hang there and won't go on (but the animations still works, like the in-game clock for example). Also it shouldn't be the emu the problem since i tried desmume with other roms to confirm (like FF III, Pokemon White 2 and Advance Wars Days of Ruin) and all of them work properly. The game simply goes until after the intro, after i digited my name. Those are the points where it hang (after the choice "will you two cut it out" and "where's naoya?").



At those points the game hang, and no matter what i press it does nothing. But desmume still work properly.


#15 2013-10-29 01:44:04

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

one of those points come after the other. if it freezes at the first point, how did you get to the second one?

when you take screenshots of a game can you please not include millions of pixels of wasted black space?


#16 2013-10-29 02:01:27

Registered: 2013-10-25
Posts: 11

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

zeromus wrote:

one of those points come after the other. if it freezes at the first point, how did you get to the second one?

when you take screenshots of a game can you please not include millions of pixels of wasted black space?

No they are parallel. I get a path choice, and i can answer either "where's naoya?" and "will you cut things out (or something similar)?". If i choose the first it stuck at the first pic, if i choose the second option it stuck at the second pic.
It's true that both lead to the same part, but one stuck a bit before the other for some reasons.


#17 2013-10-29 02:03:01

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

Those are both menus. When you tried pressing everything, did that include pressing down?


#18 2013-10-29 06:45:07

From: Ukraine
Registered: 2007-10-26
Posts: 121

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

in this game not using touch screen, press "down" key and you will see cursor in dialog


#19 2013-10-29 09:53:32

Registered: 2013-10-25
Posts: 11

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

Ah ok, that was the issue. Thanks.


#20 2013-10-29 17:48:45

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

But there were dialog menus before this. How did you get past them?


#21 2013-10-30 14:00:25

Registered: 2013-10-25
Posts: 11

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

zeromus wrote:

But there were dialog menus before this. How did you get past them?

By pressing A...


#22 2013-10-30 21:51:09

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

DMaster2 wrote:

No they are parallel. I get a path choice, and i can answer either "where's naoya?" and "will you cut things out (or something similar)?". If i choose the first it stuck at the first pic, if i choose the second option it stuck at the second pic.

In other words, before you get either of the points where you were stuck at a choice, you passed a choice. By pressing down, and then A, getting through it the same way as you get through the points you were stuck at.

In fact, there are earlier questions such as "Is everything good? Yeah | Not really" Which you progressed through as well.


#23 2013-10-31 02:06:01

Registered: 2013-10-25
Posts: 11

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

zeromus wrote:
DMaster2 wrote:

No they are parallel. I get a path choice, and i can answer either "where's naoya?" and "will you cut things out (or something similar)?". If i choose the first it stuck at the first pic, if i choose the second option it stuck at the second pic.

In other words, before you get either of the points where you were stuck at a choice, you passed a choice. By pressing down, and then A, getting through it the same way as you get through the points you were stuck at.

In fact, there are earlier questions such as "Is everything good? Yeah | Not really" Which you progressed through as well.

I noticed sometimes it highlight directly the top option, at which point you just select the option and go, while sometimes you have to press down to highlight it. I was at loss because usually you just need to press A.


#24 2013-10-31 02:20:27

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor hang on desmume?

It never highlights directly the top option.


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