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#1 2013-06-26 19:36:32

Registered: 2013-06-26
Posts: 6

Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

Hello, I've been having some problems with my copy of Final Fantasy IV.  Whenever I try to view the bestiary, quite a lot of the entries are black.  They still move, and they still perform the attack animation when clicked on, but they are solid black.  (I realize that this is not a major problem, but it does irk me.) 
I tried opening it in the “dev” version, and whenever I try to view an entry that doesn’t work, it says “tried to reference unmapped texture palette memory: 16k slot #0”.  I’ve also noticed that if while viewing a glitched entry I go up to the config tab and pull up 3d settings and change anything at all, no matter what, that particular entry will regain color.  However, if I go to another entry and then come back, it will be black again.  Does anyone have any ideas how to fix this?


#2 2013-06-26 20:33:05

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

This sounds like something that could be a bug. If you post your .dsv, I'll check it out.


#3 2013-06-27 04:00:39

Registered: 2013-06-26
Posts: 6

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

So how would I do that?  Sorry, not exactly the most accomplished computer whiz over here.  I found the .dsv file, so what should I do with it now?


#4 2013-06-27 04:31:32

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

utilize the internet to place it in a position where other people can download it. there are a myriad of methods for that.


#5 2013-06-27 15:09:22

Registered: 2013-06-26
Posts: 6

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

Okay, my friend and I were able to wip up a download link.  Here it is, copied straight from the battery folder.


#6 2013-06-27 17:07:09

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

1. weird, mediafire corrupted the file either when it uploaded or downloaded, but i was able to repair it. you should zip files you put on an upload site.
2. how do i get to the bestiary? i thought it would be easy, but i was wrong...


#7 2013-06-27 17:25:58

Registered: 2013-06-26
Posts: 6

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

There are several ways, but they require some playing of the game.  The easiest one is to talk to the mechanical Fat Chocobo aboard the airship Lunar Whale, but you don't get that until near the end of the game.  The only other way is to play the game until you reach the town of Kaipo.  You should only have to play maybe half an hour to get this far.  Once here, there is a house located in the very northeast of town.  Inside, there will be a person that resembles a rabbit dressed in red.  Talk to him and he will let you view the bestiary, but at this point there will only be about 7 entries, none of which are glitchy ones. Once you leave the room after talking to him, he will disappear.  Once he's disappeared, you must progress two more towns, this time some considerable playing, and you will find him in the Inn of Fabul castle.  If you speak to him, he will tell you that he left the bestiary with his friend Fat Chocobo.  To talk to Fat Chocobo, you must go into one of the small, circular forests that are full of birds, go to the nest at the northern section, examine it, and use the item "gysahl green" when prompted.  This will let you view the bestiary.  Of course, you don't have that much time, so I recommend using this Action Replay code.

94000130 FFFB0000
D5000000 00000017
C0000000 000000E3
D7000000 020D8510
D2000000 00000000

When this code it active, pause the game, go into the menu, and press up and select at the same time.  This should complete the bestiary 99%, so when you talk to the rabbit guy the first time in Kaipo you can tell wether or not it is working.  The glitching is primarily occuring on #71-82, 149-153, 165, 166, and 194.  I hope that this isn't too much, I realize that it's a lot to take in.

Last edited by mgbrownd (2013-06-27 17:28:20)


#8 2013-06-27 17:36:29

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

the playing of the game is the whole reason I asked you for a save file. I assumed you had played through to a point where you could see the broken items in the bestiary. Had you just cheated to unlock the bestiary and then noticed the bug?  If youre using a cheat to get to the bestiary, then the correct functioning of the game can't be warranted. I was unable to get the cheat working, anyway. Are you using the EU or the US version of the game?


#9 2013-06-27 19:44:33

Registered: 2013-06-26
Posts: 6

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

I played through the game to near the end, and it was then that I noticed the problems.  Since then, I have deleted both the game and the emulator, redownloaded both of them and tried with cheats and without cheats.  The file that I sent you is about my 4th starting over from scratch to see if I had fixed the problem.  As you can see from this thread, I haven't.  As for the version, I'm assuming that it is a US, but I am not sure.


#10 2013-06-27 20:59:17

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

that's the US version.

got the cheat code working. does look like a fixable bug. i'll investigate it.


#11 2013-06-28 19:18:02

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

This is caused by a combination of a picky timing condition and a bug in the desmume texture cache, where the a 4x4 compressed texture is first referenced while the texture palettes are unmapped (causing them to be black) and then getting stuck in the cache.  The game might be doing this on accident, but it would be happening for just one frame while the screen is black, between the fades for the monster. But if you change desmume timing parameters (advanced bus level timing emulation) then it might not happen. So It's unclear whether the game is doing it on accident, but it's certainly playing dangerously. At any rate, desmume's cache for 4x4 textures shouldnt be getting stuck when the texture palette memory changes from unmapped to mapped.


#12 2013-06-28 19:39:48

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

texcache bug fixed in r4680


#13 2013-07-06 08:40:32

Registered: 2009-06-22
Posts: 38

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

funny how it's too hard for most people to say thanks once they got the help they sought

I know life is short and all but come on.... I would have given up on them long ago, you should make support tickets payable in advance, I am totally serious


#14 2013-07-07 18:22:12

Registered: 2013-06-26
Posts: 6

Re: Final Fantasy IV Bestiary Problems

I totally agree CobraSA.  Sorry Zeromus, I have been away without internet for a while, so I got your message but was unable to reply.  Thanks for your help.  smile


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