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#1 2013-06-25 23:22:15

Registered: 2009-01-07
Posts: 78

[OSX] Hotel Dusk

The game seems to slow down at at random times when walking or certain text relating to new investigation points appears. Also, I notice the screen showing the game world seems to shake up and down - shimmer.

Also, I notice audio crackling as well.

The only setting I changed was to the Dynamic Recompiler as suggested on the front page.

Hope this is helpful.

I am using a Macbook 2011 model 2.4 Ghz I5.
Mountain Lion

Last edited by someone (2013-06-25 23:34:44)


#2 2013-06-26 03:46:29

Registered: 2011-06-04
Posts: 380

Re: [OSX] Hotel Dusk

- If you are experiencing random slow downs and audio crackling, then this is indicative of your computer not having enough CPU resources to keep up with the emulation speed. I've tested Hotel Dusk on Intel i5 class CPUs running Mountain Lion, and that game should run at full speed on your hardware with Dynamic Recompiler enabled. You have something going on with your Mac that is slowing it down. You should look into that, as DeSmuME is certainly not at fault here.

- Audio crackling can mostly be eliminated in Sound Settings by using Advanced SPU Logic, Synchronous, and "P" Method options. (These are the default options when you first run DeSmuME.)

- The shimmering game world in Hotel Dusk is the result of video jitter. If you run Hotel Dusk on a hardware DS, you will notice some video jitter there as well, although the jitter isn't nearly as extreme as when running Hotel Dusk in DeSmuME. The extreme video jitter is a core emulation glitch and hopefully will be fixed in a future update. This issue is not specific to the Mac port.


#3 2013-06-26 17:31:35

Registered: 2009-01-07
Posts: 78

Re: [OSX] Hotel Dusk

Thank you for your response.

I ran the activity monitor to check if anything else was hogging CPU usage. There was nothing else using CPU but when I ran the game I noticed that CPU usage for DeSmuME was over 132%. It would jump up and down between 80% and 130+%.

Is this normal? Is it possible there is a setting I can change that would rectify this?

The other emulator No$GBA runs this game at full speed.

Last edited by someone (2013-06-26 17:38:04)


#4 2013-06-26 17:43:11

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: [OSX] Hotel Dusk

since youre able to run the win32 program nocash somehow, perhaps you can run the win32 desmume and see if the results are any different


#5 2013-06-26 17:59:15

Registered: 2009-01-07
Posts: 78

Re: [OSX] Hotel Dusk

I downloaded nocash with a wine skin. I tried DesMuME with Wine just now at the result is even worse. CPU Usage went over 200% at times and the macbook fan went into desperation mode.


#6 2013-06-26 18:54:54

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: [OSX] Hotel Dusk

also, for what its worth, the video jitter isnt a bug. its operating as expected and theres nothing to be fixed. you just cant notice it on a DS because the LCD is laggier than the typical computer monitor. the jittering is used to create a soft blur over the whole scene.  Some emulators have temporal blurring though, which is something we could add one day and which would make it look more like a real DS.

i dont know anything about macbooks, but your problems seem like what happens on windows machines when the power management is too aggressive. typically its solved by setting it to maximum performance.


#7 2013-06-26 19:47:21

Registered: 2011-06-04
Posts: 380

Re: [OSX] Hotel Dusk

There has been no "Max Performance" setting in the power management settings on Macs since 2006 (aside from the integrated/discrete GPU switch on higher-end MacBook Pros). OS X is actually very efficient when it comes to power management, so all performance/power-saving switches are fully automatic on all post-2006 Macs. Since you're using a MacBook Pro 13" 2011 model with only an integrated Intel HD 3000 GPU, this is something you needn't worry about.

Also, if your CPU usage is hitting over 130%, then that means that you have some setting enabled in DeSmuME that is consuming CPU resources. I'm guessing you're using a video filter. Try using a less complex filter, or choose None. Video filters can certainly slow things down, especially if you're using very complex filters like HQ4x or HQ4xS.

There is also the chance that you are, in fact, not using Dynamic Recompiler. This would also explain your >130% CPU usage. Remember that you will need to load the ROM or reset the emulator AFTER you set Dynamic Recompiler. And also remember that if you want to save Dynamic Recompiler as the default option, then you need to click Save Settings as Default.


#8 2013-06-26 23:39:10

Registered: 2009-01-07
Posts: 78

Re: [OSX] Hotel Dusk

Took a screenshot for you guys.

Also, I turned off that filter setting to None.

I am a big fan of this emulator so I will try and do as much as I can to contribute to the productivity and stability of this software. Please let me know if you require any further details.

I would even pay to have Hotel Dusk properly running on my macbook smile

Last edited by someone (2013-06-26 23:40:31)


#9 2013-06-27 03:06:40

Registered: 2011-06-04
Posts: 380

Re: [OSX] Hotel Dusk

There is one detail you can help us with: What specific hardware and OS version you're running. Please go into DeSmuME > About DeSmuME. In the About DeSmuME window, copy the Operating System and Model Identifier information and paste it here.

We're always looking for better ways to improve DeSmuME, so any contributions would help further DeSmuME's development. You can make a donation by following this link. Any donations you make are greatly appreciated! smile

Link: … _id=164579

Last edited by rogerman (2013-06-27 03:06:50)


#10 2013-06-27 04:59:52

Registered: 2009-01-07
Posts: 78

Re: [OSX] Hotel Dusk

Build Info: 0.9.9 x64 (LLVM-Clang v4.2.0)
Build Date: Apr 27 2013
Operating System: Mac OS X v10.8.4 (12E55)
Model Identifier: MacBookPro8,1

Here you go


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