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I tried to save the game, but for some reason it won't.
I keep on getting this message: "Could not save data. Please power off and re-insert the Game Card."
I'm using Version 0.9.8 64bit.
Last edited by Blob55 (2012-10-02 17:37:34)
how long have you been playing the game? can you see if you have an older savestate which will let you save?
Well, when I tried to save the first time, I'd already completed the Normal Tournament and when I tried to save the second time, I tried to save as soon as I could.
The game also keeps on crashing when I try to save. I wish I could choose the save type.
if you use the windows version, you can choose the save type.
I am using Windows. It's just that 64bit version only has auto detect.
I just tried the most updated version on 32bit Windows Desmume and I have the same problem.
Last edited by Blob55 (2012-10-04 07:57:54)
well, you could autodetect save type from database, and edit the database. is this a brand new game? are you using cheats?
I am using cheats and the game is 5+ years old. I also tried to save from database, but that didn't work either.
well, if you use cheats, then theres no guarantee. anything could happen. plenty of people save in that game, i know for a fact, because the game is freezy and you have to save to make much progress
I did try again with the Cheats off, but it still wouldn't save.
if you load a savestate made with cheats enabled, then the game is still broken from the cheats.
It's not a SaveState, it's a new game.
delete any existing .sav or .dsv with a filename relating to digimon. if youve got some broken savedata established then the game will keep picking it up and trying to save over it and failing. to be sure, you could try it on a different computer that should be clean.
there are a couple of games that have trouble ever saving in desmume but like i said, i cant believe this is one of them.
Kirby SuperStar Ultra also has problems saving, but none of the newer DS games do.
Also, since I've never played Dusk/Dawn on Desmume before, I've never had any save data of it before.
i used 0.9.8 x86 to play digimon dawn and saved immediately with no trouble, as expected. I really think you've got some leftover cruft from when you were cheating. try it on a different computer. Or try the x86 version if you want to run the exact same thing I did. Or consider the quality of your source for roms.
Hmm... I have a save of it on No$...
If it doesn't save then try slot saving. (If you don't know slot saving, read my post on slot saving on the general forum) "Slot-Saving for NO missing In-Game Data
However, that won't work when I get past the credits, because, I'll have to start a new game again...
i just used 0.9.8 x64 to save in digimon. worked fine. youve still got dsv, sav, or cheat cruft laying around. dearchive roms and emulator from scratch in a new directory.
I guess that works.
i had a similar problem a few days ago. check the emulators battery folder. if there is a file with a few thousand kb of data try deleting it. that might help
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