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#1 2012-04-14 18:47:51

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

0.9.8 compatibility notes

Let's face it, our releases are very far apart. So that will give us plenty of time to put concise compatibility notes with exact reference to 0.9.8 in this thread. Feel free to reply with anything you want added to the list because it gotcha and you want to help make sure it doesnt gotcha anyone else.

See also: List of games that don't work or are badly emulated

- many games: junk getting left behind and smearing between frames. for instance, AC:WW. this is a noteworthy regression. it was fixed in r255
- Final Fantasy 3 - This game requires advanced bus-level timing to be enabled or it will freeze in the title sequence. This is a noteworthy regression. ( … tid=832292 )
- The Wild West - corrupted sprites models and 2D background was fixed in 0.9.8
- Yugioh 2010 Reverse of Arcadia - historical freezes all the time were fixed in 0.9.8
- devil survivor 2 - with 098, some screens began getting stuck or mis-placed. was fixed in r4299


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