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Hi There,
I'm trying Professor Layton with DeSmuME 0.7.3 on Linux, the game loads perfectly, find my joystick but I can't do anything. I'm blocking to the welcome page.
I've tried the cvs version but it didn't compile some error with openGL.
callbacks_IO.c: In function «init_GL_capabilities":
callbacks_IO.c:83: erreur: number of arguments doesn"t match prototype
gdk_gl.h:38: erreur: déclaration de prototype
callbacks_IO.c: Hors de toute fonction :
callbacks_IO.c:84: erreur: conflicting types for «init_GL"
gdk_gl.h:39: erreur: previous declaration of «init_GL" was here
callbacks_IO.c:85: erreur: conflicting types for «reshape"
gdk_gl.h:43: erreur: previous declaration of «reshape" was here
By the way, I try with desmume-cli.
Any tips ? Is possible to play with the keyboard ?
Thank you, best regards.
I've tried the cvs version but it didn't compile some error with openGL.
It looks like you're missing OpenGL development librairies.
For example, my OpenGL development files are provided by the nvidia-glx-dev package.
(This is videocard brand dependant.)
Is possible to play with the keyboard ?
Yes. The default keyboard keys can be found at line 88 of src/cli/main.c:
const u16 cli_kb_cfg[NB_KEYS] =
{ SDLK_c, // A
SDLK_x, // B
SDLK_RETURN, // start
SDLK_RIGHT, // Right
SDLK_LEFT, // Left
SDLK_UP, // Up
SDLK_DOWN, // Down
SDLK_e, // R
SDLK_w, // L
SDLK_d, // X
SDLK_s, // Y
I've fix the problem by installing libgtkglext1-dev package, but I can't make any progress, I'm always blocking on the welcome page.
So I wonder if this game works on DeSmuME ? ;-)
Pages: 1