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#1 2011-03-13 22:48:39

Registered: 2011-03-13
Posts: 5

Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

I'm using DeSmuMe 0.9.6 with a Pokemon Soul Silver (U) Rom. Everything works fine except for this: When I try a soft reset using Ctrl+R, I just get a white screen. "SAVE" ingame works just fine, I just can't reset ingame. This is a problem, any ideas?


#2 2011-03-13 23:02:25

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

try the following:
1. quit using an old desmume
2. quit booting from firmware
3. close the emulator and reopen it instead of resetting


#3 2011-03-13 23:10:52

Registered: 2011-03-13
Posts: 5

Re: Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

1. Updating DeSmuMe makes me paranoid for all my other savestates. Is it as safe as I want to believe it is?
2. What do you mean by this?
3. The game requires that I do an ingame reset.


1. Updating DeSmuMe did not help.
2. It's already disabled, and I don't even have the option to enable it.

Last edited by kynotsoun (2011-03-13 23:15:40)


#4 2011-03-13 23:16:13

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 85

Re: Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

kynotsoun wrote:

1. Updating DeSmuMe makes me paranoid for all my other savestates. Is it as safe as I want to believe it is?
2. What do you mean by this?
3. The game requires that I do an ingame reset.

1. Savestates usually don't work when upgrading (at least when upgrading from an official release to a SVN). Just use ingame save, standard ingame saves always did and always will work between versions.
2. Config>Emulation Settings: UNtick Use External Firmware image
3. SoulSilver requires that? Since when? I played the original games like 100 times in my life and this game like 5 times, I don't remember a soft reset was ever needed.

Edit: I just played HG, and besides the incredible performance without any antipiracy patch I also realized CTRL+R worked like a charm to me. So I'm off this thread, I have no idea what's the problem.

Last edited by IdoSC (2011-03-13 23:18:54)


#5 2011-03-13 23:25:07

Registered: 2011-03-13
Posts: 5

Re: Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

1. The problem is not the ingame "Save" option. Everything seems to work there. When I ctrl+R, all I get is a white screen, and either the ROM or the emulator freezes.
2. I found it. It was already unticked. It's grayed out.
3. Well, technically not a soft-reset, but after you beat the E4/Red, the game saves and sends you back to the starting screen. It'll freeze here, so I can't get past then.

Now that I've updated, I can't seem to manually change my save type. It was on auto before, and this is where I suspect the problem was. hmm

Edit; fuck it, I'm gonna try Heart Gold.

Last edited by kynotsoun (2011-03-13 23:26:58)


#6 2011-03-13 23:32:38

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 85

Re: Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

kynotsoun wrote:

1. The problem is not the ingame "Save" option. Everything seems to work there. When I ctrl+R, all I get is a white screen, and either the ROM or the emulator freezes.
2. I found it. It was already unticked. It's grayed out.
3. Well, technically not a soft-reset, but after you beat the E4/Red, the game saves and sends you back to the starting screen. It'll freeze here, so I can't get past then.

Now that I've updated, I can't seem to manually change my save type. It was on auto before, and this is where I suspect the problem was. hmm

Edit; fuck it, I'm gonna try Heart Gold.

1. I know that. I answered to your concern.
2. Well, that's really weird then. I'll try to think of another solution in the rest of this post.
3. I believe it's not really called "soft reset" then, but maybe I'm mistaken.

Either way, Desmume has a great auto save type detection when it comes to Pokemon. Unless you're using Pokesav you should be fine. I believe something is messed up with your settings but I'm too dumb and lazy to figure out what. Here's my suggestion, make a backup of your desmume.ini, remove the original, load the game without changing any settings (except for essential settings, like 3D engine or frameskip). See if it still occurs.

Edit: I only tried HG because I'm an old Pkmn Gold fan and HeartGold/SoulSilver are too damn similar. I mean, if an error occurs on SS then the probability it'd happen on HG is like 99%. Hell, you can use a SS save with a HG rom.

Last edited by IdoSC (2011-03-13 23:33:46)


#7 2011-03-13 23:33:36

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

That sounds like the same problem everyone has when somehow by some miraculous act they manage to use the wrong save type size. It isn't necessary to pick the save size in desmume, and I'm not sure how people's pokemons keep picking the wrong save size. Before you waste any time on a new pokemon game, why not try saving and resetting from the very beginning? Then youll know it works.


#8 2011-03-13 23:41:21

Registered: 2011-03-13
Posts: 5

Re: Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

SOLVED: I was using an action replay code to make text boxes load 10x faster. I found the file that saves codes, moved it out of the folder, reloaded DeSmuMe and my savestate, then was able to reset just fine. Thanks for the help.


#9 2011-03-13 23:43:54

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 85

Re: Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

Sorry but I have to ask. Frameskip 9+disabling BUS+changing ingame text speed to Fast isn't enough?

Last edited by IdoSC (2011-03-13 23:44:09)


#10 2011-03-13 23:46:32

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

For the record, it's hard to find a higher place in the FAQ to put the suggestion involving clearing out cheats than the place where it is.


#11 2011-03-13 23:48:35

Registered: 2011-03-13
Posts: 5

Re: Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

It's just some code I discovered a while back that I thought to reuse. I have a dinky little laptop from the dark ages to begin with, and I usually use frameskip 2 or 3 to keep it a bit smoother than 9. BUS was already disabled. The code made any text box load instantly. It's a minor convenience.

EDIT: Fair enough, zemorus. To me, the problem wasn't with the game freezing, it seemed from the beginning similar to savetype issues GBA emulators sometimes have. Thanks for not being a dick to some new guy and trying to help.

Last edited by kynotsoun (2011-03-13 23:52:01)


#12 2011-03-13 23:52:04

Registered: 2009-05-06
Posts: 85

Re: Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

zeromus wrote:

For the record, it's hard to find a higher place in the FAQ to put the suggestion involving clearing out cheats than the place where it is.

Could always make a Q named "MY GAME FREEZES/CRASHES/TORTURES ME AFTER I USED INFINITE HP CODE HELP PLEASE" in caps and bold under the Pokemon section in the FAQ, that section is way up there.

kynotsoun wrote:

It's just some code I discovered a while back that I thought to reuse. I have a dinky little laptop from the dark ages to begin with, and I usually use frameskip 2 or 3 to keep it a bit smoother than 9. BUS was already disabled. The code made any text box load instantly. It's a minor convenience.

I don't know, such things make the game look like a boring, graphically horrible experience I'm only going through for the sake of it.

I'll stop spamming this solved thread now, I swear.

Also, new guy, about your edit...yeah, that's exactly where all the save types errors come from. VBA. Somebody should just PUSH THIS EMULATOR OFF A CLIFF AND force people to use the latest version of VBA-M.

Last edited by IdoSC (2011-03-13 23:53:52)


#13 2011-03-14 04:49:27

Awesome Possum
Registered: 2009-02-15
Posts: 655

Re: Can't reset ingame on Soul Silver

VBA is awesome when your work computer doesn't have directx installed.


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