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#1 2008-06-26 00:57:34

Registered: 2008-06-26
Posts: 1

Apollo Justice work

Hi everybody !

So I tested Apollo justice on DeSmuME and it works fine until that I need to tap on the screen. When the times come to clic on a card during a trial, I could'nt manage to do it, I can place my cursor on it but the taping do'nt work. Am I the only one, or is it an emulator's problem ?


#2 2008-07-04 17:14:48

Registered: 2008-07-04
Posts: 1

Re: Apollo Justice work

I guess I've got a similar problem. Everything seems to work fine, unless I try to access the "Court Record". Although I tapped the button several times, nothing happened. Is there anything I can do to get it to work?

[Edit: I see. I asked only because everything else I found seemed to perform much worse at that game than Desmume. Anyway, thank you for looking into the matter.]

Last edited by Pit (2008-07-04 21:43:39)


#3 2008-07-04 21:23:57

Registered: 2007-03-17
Posts: 897

Re: Apollo Justice work

I'll check those bugs whenever I find time.

Pit: just use google, this is a desmume forums and I won't allow discussion about other emulators.


#4 2008-07-05 22:40:56

Registered: 2008-06-18
Posts: 2

Re: Apollo Justice work

Thank you so much. I just realized the problem today. Funny this is that the other 3 Phoenix Wright games work almost perfectly.


#5 2009-07-07 14:06:37

epstein barr
Registered: 2009-07-07
Posts: 2

Re: Apollo Justice work

Hello there
Sorry to post here after one year but I have the same problem (I can't read court record...) and I can't find any solutions to this "problem" ^^



#6 2009-07-07 15:07:04

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Apollo Justice work

Please post a bug on the bug tracker along with repro steps and savestate or savefile as appropriate to make the repro time under 30 seconds.


#7 2009-07-08 00:11:03

epstein barr
Registered: 2009-07-07
Posts: 2

Re: Apollo Justice work

Actually, i was using desmume with mac OS and i tried with windows and finally it's working ^^


#8 2011-02-27 07:00:57

Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 2

Re: Apollo Justice work

Hello. I'm sorry to revive such an old topic, but I have the same problem. I can't check court record.... I'm using Ubuntu Lucid 10.04 and the latest Desmume from the repository. All of the other Phoenix Wright games work perfect, except this one. And the thing that really gives me trouble is the following - a clue, which I supposedly get from the crime scene doesn't appear, when I hit "Present" (it's the same as court record, but it's purpose is to present the evidence you've found during your investigation. In my case - it's a broken car mirror from the 2nd trail. Unfortunately I have no idea how to post this problem in the bug tracker....
About the windows version solution - yeah, I could do that with wine, but it'll be hellishly slow. I also could use my windows PC, but that doesn't work for me, since I play the game on my laptop, when I'm out of home.
Please, help me with this problem!


#9 2011-02-27 07:56:12

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Apollo Justice work

i dont know what the latest version from the repository is. verify that it is 0.9.7


#10 2011-02-27 09:04:13

Registered: 2009-12-22
Posts: 179

Re: Apollo Justice work

the latest version of desmume in lucid is 0.9.5.


#11 2011-02-27 19:10:50

Registered: 2011-02-27
Posts: 2

Re: Apollo Justice work

Thank you all for your replies. Indeed, the version in the repository for Ubuntu Lucid is 0.9.5 So I solved my problem, by installing version 0.9.7 from source - now everything works just fine. The only downside, though, was that I had to install 120MB of needed dependencies just to compile it... Oh, well, at least it's worth it smile


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