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#1 2011-02-07 01:19:22

Registered: 2011-02-07
Posts: 5

tokimeki memorial girl's love 2nd kiss

Hi for some reason I can't use desmume 9.7 and 9.6 at all. I'm currently using window 7. I tried all the faq option about black screen/ missing screen. Still didn't work. So i'm currently using desmume 9.5. Everything is fine but i got a bomb from Saeki-kun. He disturbed my date twice. However, i waited for like 3 months ( in game) I still couldn't call him to dlt the bomb. I'm currently in my 2nd yr jan. Is it a compatibility issue? If so how do I solve it?


#2 2011-02-07 07:18:51

Registered: 2009-12-22
Posts: 179

Re: tokimeki memorial girl's love 2nd kiss

most likely it is a user error. check walkthroughs, ask in gaming forums (this isn't one), search google etc.
if it really is a compatibility issue, try the latest version, see if it's fixed.

so what exactly is the problem you're experiencing with 0.9.7? maybe we can help


#3 2011-02-07 16:08:09

Registered: 2011-02-07
Posts: 5

Re: tokimeki memorial girl's love 2nd kiss

No matter what game i try to load it only has grey screen w/ sound


#4 2011-02-07 18:50:03

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: tokimeki memorial girl's love 2nd kiss

config > display > directdraw SW


#5 2011-02-07 21:49:17

Registered: 2011-02-07
Posts: 5

Re: tokimeki memorial girl's love 2nd kiss

Also even though I know for sure i bought kimonos for myself to wear for the new year in game. It never shows up. Like it just disappears from my closet.


#6 2011-02-08 07:40:34

Registered: 2009-12-22
Posts: 179

Re: tokimeki memorial girl's love 2nd kiss

let me get some things straight:

1. did you get 0.9.7 to work? you won't get any help if you are still using 0.9.5.  if 0.9.7 is still not working for you, focus on making it work.

2. if you're  using 0.9.7, even if the supposed bug was fixed there, you may not get what you expect unless you play start from scratch. (i.e the kimonos may be lost. get new ones.)

3. you should still check for walkthrough or something, see if you did something wrong.

4. are you playing in japanese, or are you using a rom patched to english? if your rom is patched, you should mention it.

5. i'm pretty sure the game is called girl's slde 2nd season, not girl's love 2nd kiss.


#7 2011-02-08 16:22:48

Registered: 2011-02-07
Posts: 5

Re: tokimeki memorial girl's love 2nd kiss

Hi thanks a lot for ur help. I got 9.7 to work. I'm using a rom patched to english.


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