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#1 2007-07-06 18:40:05

Registered: 2007-07-06
Posts: 2

Using my own firmware/BIOS files

Is there any way to allow for user-provided BIOS and/or firmware files in DeSmuME?  It should help increase compatability and make some unplayable games playable (like the ones that give errors at startup).

Note that I'm not asking for the BIOS/firmware files, nor am I providing them.  I just want to use them in DeSmuME on Linux.


#2 2007-07-06 21:36:18

Registered: 2007-03-17
Posts: 141

Re: Using my own firmware/BIOS files

Its on the TODO list of the devs.

Athlon 64 X2 3800+ / 2Gb DDR2 800Mhz
Geforce 8600GT 256MB / Windows XP PRO SP3


#3 2007-07-07 13:04:52

Registered: 2007-03-17
Posts: 897

Re: Using my own firmware/BIOS files

Techokami wrote:

It should help increase compatability and make some unplayable games playable (like the ones that give errors at startup).

I'm not sure it'll really increasy compatibility, and requiring a bios file is something I'd prefer to avoid in the near future smile


#4 2007-07-07 13:53:41

Registered: 2007-07-06
Posts: 2

Re: Using my own firmware/BIOS files

snkmad wrote:

Its on the TODO list of the devs.

Odd, the TODO file in the source package is blank

shash wrote:

I'm not sure it'll really increasy compatibility, and requiring a bios file is something I'd prefer to avoid in the near future smile

It might help make WFC-enabled games run correctly until the emulator's BIOS implementation can do it. (IIRC WFC-enabled games check the BIOS to see what version it is, and if it is older than a specific revision, it tries to update it before starting.  That's how the DS can save networking settings.)  Also, I never said anything about requiring the files; just an option that the user has available.  smile


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