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0.71 can't even get to the intro movie or start the game up
0.70 able to watch the intro movie and create a character, start game but the graphics are messed up.
Thanks for looking into the issue with 0.71.
Hum yeah, thats correct.
Very strange indeed, ive been following closely all CVS updates.
I guess it go broken between the cvs from 28/05 and 0.7.1 release.
I can confirm it works fine on that cvs build.
On 0.7.1 release, only blank screen.
I even tried making a save state on the initial credit screens on the working build, but as i loaded on 0.7.1 release, the emu hanged on the same screen.
BTW, thanks for reporting! Its just too much games for me to test on every release...
Last edited by snkmad (2007-06-29 11:33:16)
Athlon 64 X2 3800+ / 2Gb DDR2 800Mhz
Geforce 8600GT 256MB / Windows XP PRO SP3
Well, checked, and comes from the commit of 7-8th of June, which, afaik, only includes the GDB stub. I don't have the slightest idea of how it works, neither how it could be fixed: it's masscat's work. Maybe he'll be able to check, if he's willing to.
Personally, I'm not willing to fix it...
Looks as though the ARM9 is stuck waiting for an interrupt that never happens. I will have a look at it.
The ARM9 is sitting waiting for an interrupt but the master interrupt enable flag is disabled - there is no recovering from this. I will see why it is happening.
Update: if the ARM9 is delayed (enable the GDB stub and continue/break its execution - does not always work) a bit at start up then the game does work and the in-game graphics seem fine (gtk linux version - in-game graphics are the same in version 0.7). This MAY (underline underline) indicate that the problem is the ARM to ARM comms hardware emulation (the current FIFO emulation is not correct for example).
Last edited by masscat (2007-07-04 13:33:06)