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I tried to load a Harvest Moon DS save state that I downloaded from and the state won't load. I have 0.6 I open the game then I click "Load state as" and click on the save state and the game just contiues on playing the the game without loading anything.... I'm pretty sure the files are compatible as the file extension for the save state I created myself was ".dst" and the save state I tried loading up was also ".dst"
Any help?
Just checked, and, afaik, those save states are for the Action Replay Max, which has nothing to do with our .dst files which are memory dumps of the current DS state.
The "Import Backup Memory" feature only support .duc files for now.
Athlon 64 X2 3800+ / 2Gb DDR2 800Mhz
Geforce 8600GT 256MB / Windows XP PRO SP3
Online Multi Savegame Converter for NDS
Last edited by XTra KrazzY (2007-04-30 14:14:29)
If you are reading this signature, you SERIOUSLY need to get a life.
Oh so it's just some bizarre coincidence that they both have the extension .dst
Oh well.
Pages: 1