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Hello everyone, first off, let me say that you guys have made an incredible emulator!
-Except I don't really understand how to work it.
So I've been playing games on it and using it for a few days and then started wondering how if it supported Wi-Fi on certain games and how I might set that up. I followed instructions here: … re=related
NOTE: I was unable to figure out how to transfer my save states and backups, but I've put that behind me. Not sure if it's relevant.
Unfortunately, now when I try to load a game it takes me into the NDS setup screen, like what is displayed the very first time you boot up a new NDS (input nickname, time, date, birthday, favorite color). The problem is once I finish all of that, the NDS wants to reset itself, so it "turns off". The screens are then black and stay that way. If I reset the emulator, I just go back and have to do it all over again.
Is there anyway to fix this? (Besides skipping the NDS start-up screen, which I know can be disabled in the emulator configuration options, but I want to get the Wi-Fi to work, and according to the YouTube video linked above, it needs to be set up like this)
Thanks so much!
Wi-Fi isn't supported. It's barely even working.
Pages: 1
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