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how does converting files work? after i convert to .dsv I cannot load the game
Also does anyone have a save file their willing to share?
Offline has a save file their willing to share. converting from X to .dsv takes skills. it works if you do it right, but it may not be simple.
I tried converting that and the resulting dsv file wouldn't read. see file:
No converting method seems to work
Can someone else convert one of these for me? … sion/saves
the 256K one works fine if you have a matching rom. if you can't delete your dsv, open the emulator, run the rom, wait for the title screen, use file>import backup memory, and choose the 256K .duc, and reset the rom, then you have problems.
I added these steps to the faq since they didn't seem to be anywhere in there, but maybe I am wrong and they are duplicated 10 other times in various forms. who knows.