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It seems that I cannot load the the save files- not state saves, but files saved through regular gameplay. The main menu only gives me the option of starting a new game. I'm using version 0.7.2, I've set the save type to 64k, and I've actually saved with the transerver in the game so I've passed a save point. Now, being the buffoon that I am, I might have missed something obvious or important. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance.
have you unzipped the file if you don't you won't be able to save and things like that
Yeah, it's unzipped. I've also tried saving while it's in the same folder as the emulator but it still doesn't work. >_<
It seems like similar situations has happened before:
Thanks shash it now works. I have also a couple of questions for you
1) How do you add save state to the project for Dev-C++?
2) What FPS do you get for this game with your WIP?
3) Megaman Zx nomal saves do not seem to saving if you close the emu then try to load the save ingame it finds nothing.
(This only happens with this game.)
Shash: Strangely saves now work for me on this game I do not know what happened before
snkmad: Thanks for the help save states now work for me
I wonder how it's fixed. :[
Do I have to download anything to support the sav file? Or is that only for the save states?
one thing that i do (also for my R4DS) is create my sav file before hand just to make sure its all good.... so instead of having 1 kb its 526 kb... atleast i think.... anyawys you just have to make a file with notepad or w.e and save it with teh SAME name as the game file but add .sav at the end.... tell me how that goes
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