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#26 2010-03-17 11:07:26

Registered: 2007-03-17
Posts: 897

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

Come one, it's clearly photoshoped, stop the crap. Also, if you release the emulator, due to GPL license, you must release the source code, else we'll ask it to be removed from every major emulator site you post it, so you'll only make yourself a moron, so do whatever pleases you.


#27 2010-03-17 12:16:38

Awesome Possum
Registered: 2009-02-15
Posts: 655

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

This quickly turned from hilarious to just sad.


#28 2010-03-17 18:11:31

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

I dunno, you must have stupid tattooed on your forehead, since everyone else can see it but you can't.


#29 2010-03-21 23:39:29

Nintendo Maniac 64
From: Northeast Ohio, USA
Registered: 2010-02-24
Posts: 92

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

Whether or not this is real or fake, not releasing GPL code that could possibly include extra functionality is just plain being a dick, and if this was fake, you'd still be a dick.

Either way, you've backed yourself into a wall on this one.

Last edited by Nintendo Maniac 64 (2010-03-21 23:40:36)


#30 2010-03-22 02:55:56

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

flowers and unicorns and rainbows and butterflies

Last edited by zeromus (2010-03-22 15:49:11)


#31 2010-03-22 07:21:00

SS5 vegito
Registered: 2009-05-05
Posts: 24

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)



#32 2010-03-22 11:13:59

Registered: 2007-03-17
Posts: 897

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

zeromus wrote:

I dont understand. You're the one that hasn't released his code. Are you calling yourself a dick? Calling me a dick doesn't change anything since everyone already knows that.

I think he was referring to blinko tongue


#33 2010-03-22 15:48:35

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)



#34 2010-03-24 17:55:46

Registered: 2010-03-24
Posts: 3

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

id rather just leave this here rather than to make a new topic but how about a feature that eincreases speed like with visual boy advanced because pokemon is extremely slow idk why the developers of that game make it so slow especially the text

and its not my computer that cant handle it since it runs smooth and above the natural frame rate


#35 2010-03-24 18:29:46

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

its called the fast forward key. use it.


#36 2010-03-25 01:11:58

Registered: 2010-03-24
Posts: 3

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

yeah but its not increasing the clock speed of the program its just skipping frames


#37 2010-03-25 05:01:36

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

its called disable framerate limiter. use it.


#38 2010-03-26 12:16:17

Registered: 2010-03-24
Posts: 3

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

yeah thats not the increase of clock speed i was talking about


#39 2010-03-26 17:12:47

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

Tell me the difference between that and "increase of clock speed". It won't be skipping frames, and the game will be running faster.


#40 2010-04-05 00:59:35

Registered: 2010-04-05
Posts: 2

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

The difference in that is that if you can't get a high FPS in the first place, removing the limiter won't do much, whereas what he seems to be asking is to force the program to generate more FPS. It's just impossible, it seems he simply misunderstood what the concept behind the "speed increment" is, because it's basically just raising the fps limit, from what I understand at least. You(zeromus) were right in practice, but you might not have understood what he was asking for(which he himself didn't seem to clearly know either).

Back on topic, it's a feature I'd stronly appreciate, and like blinko, I not only believe it's possible, I also know it is, for the reasons he mentionned and because, quite simply, no$gba's no$zoom did it. Unfortunately, my programming skills are largely sub-par, limited to copypasting what I can get my hands on while changing values where I see appropriate and such, so I couldn't "just do it".(though I could pull a quick photoshop edit! but I personally believe in the possibility of blinko's success in doing the windowsplit).

As useless as my post could seem, all I mean to do is to give some motivation to whoever would want to actually go forward with making this feature, like blinko supposedly did.


#41 2010-04-05 02:13:32

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

ok nag recorded


#42 2010-04-06 04:24:58

Registered: 2010-03-11
Posts: 16

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

perhaps then everyone would be interested in the DeSmuME with full Kaillera support for netplay rather than dicking around with some experimental wifi crap that isn't even included on the config menu in the latest SVN revision. XD or perhaps I am just too smart for my own good !

Make sure everyone backs up their SVN folder before updating the thing too, the slight changes here and there cause some major bugs to ready to compile source. Heck the 3D viewer menu item is still present, however, they now send a message box to convey that it doesn't work. If you're using a OpenGL plugin to render the 3D models should be able to use a Simple D3D Hook similar to those used in many wall hacks and render the objects in wireframe.

Lets say...

quick example...taken out of a wall hack source code.

int m_Stride;

typedef HRESULT ( WINAPI* oDrawIndexedPrimitive ) ( LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE pType, UINT nMinIndex, UINT nNumVertices, UINT nStartIndex, UINT nPrimitiveCount );
oDrawIndexedPrimitive pDrawIndexedPrimitive, OriginalDrawIndexedPrimitive;
HRESULT WINAPI myDrawIndexedPrimitive(LPDIRECT3DDEVICE8 pDevice, D3DPRIMITIVETYPE pType, UINT nMinIndex, UINT nNumVertices, UINT nStartIndex, UINT nPrimitiveCount)

if(m_Stride == model_rec)
{ // then
} // end of then

This can go either in DIP or SetRenderState.. does it matter.. maybe if dip gets detected.
You will need a model recognition to choose what you want to wireframe like what you want to color..

Let us assume Stride == 40 Renders everything in DeSmuME in OpenGL

if(m_Stride == 40)
{ // then
} // end of then

Last edited by blinko (2010-04-06 04:26:45)


#43 2010-04-06 04:48:03

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

For tonight's entertainment, I dare any programmer in the universe to find any sense in whatever blinko is talking about.


#44 2010-04-06 05:52:57

Registered: 2010-03-11
Posts: 16

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

zeromus wrote:

For tonight's entertainment, I dare any programmer in the universe to find any sense in whatever blinko is talking about.

rofl first of all Kaillera is a tool designed to allow net play over emulators connecting to hosted servers, or the host can act as a server. For example MAME Arcade uses Kaillera, this enables us to play old Arcade games in multiplayer (netplay) mode. Emulators using Kaillera are GENS, MAME, Nebula, WinKiwaks and many more, hell even the N64 emulators use it (smash brothers online is awesome). I suppose the wifi's infrastructure is similar to the works of Kaillera , however, obviously less stable when it comes to emulation.

Finally the example code is simply a bit I pulled out of a Wall Hack for a first person shooter "Soldier Front"
This will work the same since OpenGL renders objects in 3D you can hook into the D3D that's currently being processed, and render the object in Wireframe only. Meaning there is NO reason the 3D viewer is not working yet rofl.


#45 2010-04-06 06:11:42

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

Your troll-fu is strong but youve got to photoshop it again for maximum effect.


#46 2010-04-06 06:55:42

Registered: 2010-03-11
Posts: 16

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

zeromus wrote:

Your troll-fu is strong but youve got to photoshop it again for maximum effect.

lol well to each their own. I know what I've been able to do, and to be honest I'm starting to think that there is a reason for not splitting them. I find it more complicated than I had expected to play with the bottom screen enlarged and the top screen smaller. For one during scenes that make use of both screens to display the cut-scenes, the top screen being smaller obviously ruins the video output, and it not being the same size really bugged me. That would be like me watching my favorite tv show with the top of my tv stuck at 4:3 and the rest at 16:9 it wouldn't be very fun..nor was playing the DS like that. So I can say that you may have been onto to something there XD. It only seemed to work good for the Zelda series, and a few others.
Also the code inside was a mess since I copied and pasted pieces I needed, and created new variables for them etc..a lot of sloppy code, and a lot of time wasted on something that wasn't very "user friendly".
We can work on the wireframe/3d viewer subject later.

For now I have a real idea.

With Kaillera, multi-player games would be something we could all enjoy.

I quote ! wrote:

"Kaillera enables emulators to play on the Internet.

With Kaillera you can enjoy playing video games with others from all over the world.
it consists of a client and a server. The client is usually embedded into your favorite emulator and the server is a stand-alone application that needs to be run on a machine directly wired to the Internet."

@ wrote:

- I want to integrate Kaillera into my game/emulator/etc. What do i need to do?

Download the Kaillera SDK available on the download page ( Everything should be self-explanitory and contained within the .h file, but if you need some samples, we suggest you take a look at the source code from the integration of Kaillera into MAME32k.

Also on the download page you'll find "Mame32 v0.67 (0414)+Kaillera client v0.9 (2.9Mb)" download.
Source also available. As well as kaillera server downloads.

Check the source code for the openkaillera and see what you can come up with. If anyone would like to see a multi-player desmume (fully working netplay), then the wifi/adhoc crap needs to be permanently excluded and kaillera in its' place. Simply embed the client into the emulator, then hand server files out over the new, or even host a few yourself, and everyone could enjoy their new multi-player DeSmuME SVN ^^

Here's the link to the sourceforge openkaillera page.

Last edited by blinko (2010-04-06 07:01:46)


#47 2010-04-06 07:49:24

Registered: 2007-03-17
Posts: 897

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

Ok, this got from sad, to pathetic


#48 2010-04-06 13:35:45

DesMuMe Bug Catcher
Registered: 2009-04-03
Posts: 140

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

I don't understand the comparison between Kaillera and Wifi emulation hmm

They are completely different, let me say an italian quote "È come mischiare le mele con le pere" (It's like mixing between Apples and Pears) big_smile

Join the big family on IRC and explain there smile

Last edited by DottorLeo (2010-04-06 13:37:12)

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#49 2010-04-06 14:45:16

Registered: 2010-03-11
Posts: 16

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

DottorLeo wrote:

I don't understand the comparison between Kaillera and Wifi emulation hmm

They are completely different, let me say an italian quote "È come mischiare le mele con le pere" (It's like mixing between Apples and Pears) big_smile

Join the big family on IRC and explain there smile

You sir are the weakest link...goodbye.


Think before you speak plz. It's obviously that mixing any components would render the source code uncompilable. So you embed Kaillera client into DeSmuME, then its as easy as Config > NetPlay to open the Kaillera client which shows all the online active servers. If other emulators suck as WinKiwaks, MAME32K, hell even nes and snes emulators have Kaillera support. There is no reason that the desmume couldn't either.
Unless of course the person in charge of updating the SVN, cannot do it.

Wifi emulation is for nubs, you want multi-player go for Kaillera, if not then screw it.
Simply because if you were to connect to someones server IP via wifi you'd probably be able to play with them, however, this would limit you to playing with a friend who has a server setup, or someone you know who has a server and is willing to play. Then you'd have to have an emulator that can transfer and share information through the open socket.

Using Kaillera's client/server support we're able to open up a client window, that displays everyone who is hosting a kaillera server. Then once the connection is made it would be very similar to the connection made using the wifi. It would connect you and your partner to the hosted server IP. Then the emulators will share information.

Then again what server? The persons router? The Persons Desktop? Using a wireless router wouldn't work. You going to program the router to intercept commands coming from the emulator? and the emulator as well to interact with the re-worked router?
NO. The closest to that you're going to get would be to port forward a port you intend to use within the router settings. Then you'd just need a custom server to have your router listen on a port. Same thing for those without a router, just forward the port and have your pc listen on the port you chose, your pc becomes your server. Either way the emulator will need re-coded in order for the emulators to interact with any server.
Kaillera is just in my opinion the best option for implementing multi-player modes in emulators. The best gaming server/client software out for emulators, who else is using wifi to do this?

Then AGAIN without kaillera, we could connect to a server (much like the client would) using wifi, and a custom built client window (that isnt kaillera).

kaillera support can be implemented using the Kaillera SDK mentioned @ <--download link


#50 2010-04-06 15:12:02

DesMuMe Bug Catcher
Registered: 2009-04-03
Posts: 140

Re: An Idea for DeSmuME (kind of a request to the developers)

blinko wrote:
DottorLeo wrote:

I don't understand the comparison between Kaillera and Wifi emulation hmm

They are completely different, let me say an italian quote "È come mischiare le mele con le pere" (It's like mixing between Apples and Pears) big_smile

Join the big family on IRC and explain there smile

You sir are the weakest link...goodbye.


Think before you speak plz. It's obviously that mixing any components would render the source code uncompilable. So you embed Kaillera client into DeSmuME, then its as easy as Config > NetPlay to open the Kaillera client which shows all the online active servers. If other emulators suck as WinKiwaks, MAME32K, hell even nes and snes emulators have Kaillera support. There is no reason that the desmume couldn't either.
Unless of course the person in charge of updating the SVN, cannot do it.

Wifi emulation is for nubs, you want multi-player go for Kaillera, if not then screw it.
Simply because if you were to connect to someones server IP via wifi you'd probably be able to play with them, however, this would limit you to playing with a friend who has a server setup, or someone you know who has a server and is willing to play. Then you'd have to have an emulator that can transfer and share information through the open socket.

Using Kaillera's client/server support we're able to open up a client window, that displays everyone who is hosting a kaillera server. Then once the connection is made it would be very similar to the connection made using the wifi. It would connect you and your partner to the hosted server IP. Then the emulators will share information.

Then again what server? The persons router? The Persons Desktop? Using a wireless router wouldn't work. You going to program the router to intercept commands coming from the emulator? and the emulator as well to interact with the re-worked router?
NO. The closest to that you're going to get would be to port forward a port you intend to use within the router settings. Then you'd just need a custom server to have your router listen on a port. Same thing for those without a router, just forward the port and have your pc listen on the port you chose, your pc becomes your server. Either way the emulator will need re-coded in order for the emulators to interact with any server.
Kaillera is just in my opinion the best option for implementing multi-player modes in emulators. The best gaming server/client software out for emulators, who else is using wifi to do this?

Then AGAIN without kaillera, we could connect to a server (much like the client would) using wifi, and a custom built client window (that isnt kaillera).

kaillera support can be implemented using the Kaillera SDK mentioned @ <--download link

Maybe you have to rethink the MAIN purpouse of DesMuMe: emulate a DS in every function, from ARM9/7 to LCD, Sound and yes WIFI, how it works, how it send/receive packets. Playing online with other people is optional. The only people now interested are the immense crowd of pokemon players that want it for exchange.

Make your own emulator with kaillera. We want to see it, man, not useless babbling about a feature that, if they decide to add, it will be very very far in the future. Less word, more code man. You're invite on DesMuMe irc channel is still waiting for you, master of coding.

Do you want a better experience with DesMuMe? Do you have a problem with it? READ ME now!


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