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Hey Guillaume we still need a link to the new new forums over on the actual DeSmuME homepage, the .org one (which I think is the newer one)
Currently every single time I accidentally close the new-new-forum window, I have to open the homepage, then go to the new forums, look for the new new forums post and then finally through that get here..or alternatively search through tons of browsing history. I would be much easier if there was just a link to here on the actual homepage, it might also help a few more people find this place and to stop usage of the new forum which you want to close.
Of course this post also applies to anyone else who has the power to create link on the homepage.
and I closed the new forums too (there's a permanent redirect on the new new forums)
I guess you can close or delete this now as it has fullfilled it's purpose.
Although on second thought don't forget to sticky your rules that you had on the previous forum and to mention the IRC channel and don't forget the server address for the channel.
Are you sure it's ok to say your irc chan and network here? For your sake i'm saying this, unless kbing n00bs makes you happy ^^
Last edited by Raz (2007-03-27 20:00:04)
We already had it on the old forums, and it was ok. There's always the kickban feature on IRC
What could possibly be more fun than KickBanning, NickBanning, IPBanning, K-lining and G-lining and all the others I have not mentioned ???
Pages: 1