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Pages: 1
Could there be added the option to disconnect the two screens and move them around independently or at the very least have them side-by-side?
Thank you for your time.
I have another related suggestion: an option to add a border between the two screens, roughly equivalent to the distance between the screens on a physical DS. That would be a great help when playing games whose playing field stretches across both screens, e.g. some platform games.
If there's the option, I still can't find it.
Ouch, sorry, it's on SVN, not 0.9.1. It'll be there on next version. The screen disconnection won't probably happen anytime soon, as it's not worth doing.
OK this is good to know. I was wondering the same thing about separating the two screens with a border. It's sometimes confusing when playing some games. Separable screens would be nice, but it's ok the way it is for me.
there should be a wifi plugin and linking desmume will most likely get more downloads if you do that
page809, thanks, we hadn't thought of that.
I'd like to second the request for the option to put screens side by side. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE make it a priority, I beg of you.
I really want to play DS games on my 16:9 flatscreen in the living room, but the way things are now 2/3 of the screen is unused; the top screen, instead of filling half the monitor, fills only a mere 1/6. Instead of being blown away by the size and clarity, I'm straining my glasses just to read the text. Please use your awesomeness to help me live the dream.
Thank you so much for your hard work so far.
I'm donating now!
there are menu options to put the screen side by side. look for them.
Pages: 1