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#1 2023-10-03 15:58:56

Registered: 2023-10-03
Posts: 5

Pokemon Black/White freezing randomly

So i was playing Pokemon white on Desmume, and the game ran normally until i went out of the second town and it started freezing.
I don't see an specific reason of why it happens, it's just random
I checked if anyone had the same problem as me by searching but it doesn't seem like it, and i don't know what to do to make it stop. If anyone knows what could be happening, i'd be grateful if they could help me.


#2 2023-10-04 04:26:38

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Pokemon Black/White freezing randomly

Most likely explanations
1. You cheated or hacked
2. You used a old version of desmume.

To workaround problems like this, even if you did not make any of the 2 errors above: stop using savestates.


#3 2023-10-04 10:42:00

Registered: 2023-10-03
Posts: 5

Re: Pokemon Black/White freezing randomly

zeromus wrote:

Most likely explanations
1. You cheated or hacked
2. You used a old version of desmume.

To workaround problems like this, even if you did not make any of the 2 errors above: stop using savestates.

I didn't cheat or hack, i have the latest version of desmume, and i am not using save states
I also tried to download the rom from different pages, and tried to play either versions, and it still crashes
Here's a video of exactly what happens:

Last edited by Nekomaster (2023-10-04 11:24:01)


#4 2023-10-05 05:04:39

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Pokemon Black/White freezing randomly

please provide a .dsv file and instructions for how to get from there to a scene that hangs.
Also please state what you think is "the latest version of desmume" and where you downloaded it from.


#5 2023-10-05 10:55:14

Registered: 2023-10-03
Posts: 5

Re: Pokemon Black/White freezing randomly

zeromus wrote:

please provide a .dsv file and instructions for how to get from there to a scene that hangs.
Also please state what you think is "the latest version of desmume" and where you downloaded it from.

I tried on both these versions: … 116933c8f& … dd611f869&

(Second one is desmume X432R 64 bit)

And about the scene that hangs, usually it'll happen when you leave Accumula Town. It's a bit random, there's not an specific scene that makes it freeze i think, it just happens when you play for a while, i was never able to pass from Striaton City without it freezing. And i doubt instructions are needed, you just gotta play for a while to reach Striaton city, and see if it crashes playing for a while there. (But if you stay afk, the freeze will never happen, it's always when i battle someone, when i continue further in the story, or when i walk around the city)

About the pages i downloaded it from, one of them was nswgame, then the others were youtube videos or other pages i found on google and don't remember the name, but i'd say i downloaded the game from 5 different pages and it doesn't matter what the rom is from, it always freezes … sp=sharing

This is the dsv file, though i don't know how far i am since it always freezes and i have to go back

Last edited by Nekomaster (2023-10-05 10:57:38)


#6 2023-10-06 13:43:35

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Pokemon Black/White freezing randomly

[b] in the filename means it's a [b]ad dump, thus not supported. Try again on a dump that's not so aware it's bad that it names itself bad.


#7 2023-10-06 23:43:05

Registered: 2023-10-03
Posts: 5

Re: Pokemon Black/White freezing randomly

zeromus wrote:
[b] in the filename means it's a [b]ad dump, thus not supported. Try again on a dump that's not so aware it's bad that it names itself bad.

Uhhh, how do i do that?


#8 2023-10-07 16:05:55

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Pokemon Black/White freezing randomly

youll have to ask elsewhere on the internet for assistance with that


#9 2023-10-07 16:15:25

Registered: 2023-10-03
Posts: 5

Re: Pokemon Black/White freezing randomly

zeromus wrote:

youll have to ask elsewhere on the internet for assistance with that

Okay, but what do you mean by "bump" exactly?


#10 2023-10-07 16:19:36

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Pokemon Black/White freezing randomly

I didn't write the word "bump". If you're asking what a "bad dump" is--ask the internet


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