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#1 2023-03-19 21:03:56

Registered: 2020-12-21
Posts: 5

Problem loading saved states .ds*

Hi, I have been playing Pokemon Mystery Dungeon on Windows 10. I have under control the saved states (.ds*) and the .dsv file. Every thing works fine. However, I'm trying to run the game with the same progress on a Ubuntu 20.04. I have got playing the game on the new laptop but not with the progress.

I've been reading posts in this page with similar problems (I think it is very common) but I have achieved nothing. I've placed the .ds0, .dsv and the ROM (.nds) in the same folder. Game runs properly but it can't load the .ds0 file, a white screen shows up. When I run the game, I click in Load State section and the saved states are there according to the .ds* files I've placed, but none works.

The files are not corrupted and they have the same name.

Pls help.




#2 2023-03-20 04:22:23

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Problem loading saved states .ds*

save states between desmume versions aren't often compatible, due to some unfortunate bugs we really should get around to fixing some day. however, with the .dsv it will work. the .dsv does not necessarily need to be in the same folder. Here's the best way to do this:
1. delete everything from linux
2. get desmume and the rom
3. run the game and save it
4. look where the .dsv is. "can't find it" is no excuse. Keep looking harder
5. take the .dsv from windows and replace the one that linux desmume created


#3 2023-03-20 16:57:44

Registered: 2020-12-21
Posts: 5

Re: Problem loading saved states .ds*

zeromus wrote:

save states between desmume versions aren't often compatible, due to some unfortunate bugs we really should get around to fixing some day. however, with the .dsv it will work. the .dsv does not necessarily need to be in the same folder. Here's the best way to do this:
1. delete everything from linux
2. get desmume and the rom
3. run the game and save it
4. look where the .dsv is. "can't find it" is no excuse. Keep looking harder
5. take the .dsv from windows and replace the one that linux desmume created

I've already tried that, that  is,
1.locate where the .dsv (and the .ds*) are saved by desmume ( /home/.config/desmume/)
2. detele all of them
3. place there my .dsv and .ds*

Then, I run the ROM and in Load State i can see my .ds*, buy none of the work, the game cashes when i choose one and a white screen shows up.

Besides, you haven't mentioned anything about the .ds* files, I suppose that they have necessary information, am I wrong?

Thanks again for the quick answer!


#4 2023-03-20 20:57:49

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Problem loading saved states .ds*

place there the .dsv only. It is not a savestate. Do not load it. Simply start the emulator and load the rom and it will pick up the .dsv.
Of course you need to take care of one more detail. It is not enough to find the directory where the .dsv is placed by the linux desmume. You must overwrite that file EXACTLY, with the same exact name.


#5 2023-03-20 22:22:15

Registered: 2020-12-21
Posts: 5

Re: Problem loading saved states .ds*

zeromus wrote:

place there the .dsv only. It is not a savestate. Do not load it. Simply start the emulator and load the rom and it will pick up the .dsv.
Of course you need to take care of one more detail. It is not enough to find the directory where the .dsv is placed by the linux desmume. You must overwrite that file EXACTLY, with the same exact name.

I am doing what you say but still nothing. I know where the .dsv is being generated when I save the game, I change it by the old one having the exact same name. Then I add a .ds0, I load it from Desmume but the white screen shows up again sad


#6 2023-03-21 01:17:30

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: Problem loading saved states .ds*

place there the .DSV ONLY. Do not use the .ds0


#7 2023-03-21 12:38:49

Registered: 2020-12-21
Posts: 5

Re: Problem loading saved states .ds*

zeromus wrote:

place there the .DSV ONLY. Do not use the .ds0

I got it! Thank you very much! The point was to place the .dsv in the correct place (I was doing that) and do not load the .ds* files, game runs properly just reading the .dsv with the progress I want. I suppose that .dsv is the actual original game saving file, and the .ds* is a desmume tool to carry out a quick save when it was not suppose to in the original game.

Keep doing your support zeromus!



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