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I am playing Pokemon Platinum and I when I speed up the game the sped up music is really annoying, but I also wanna hear the music when I am not speeding up the game. Of course I could manually mute the game when I speeding the game up then manual unmute the game when I am not speeding it up. But I think it would be so much easier if I could hotkey map a button that both toggles speed up and toggles mute. My problem being I cannot find the option to map a hotkey button to toggle mute. I've noticed in older versions of Desmume there was an option in the hotkey config menu but in the most recent build (the one I am using) I can not find it. Did they get rid of it or did they move it? Can someone help me out?
There may be no hotkey to toggle mute. Look for something like autohotkey which can mute the desmume process via windows audio mixer
Do I look for autohotkey in desmume or in windows. Also what do you mean by mute the "desmume process"?
you look for autohotkey on the web. by "desmume process" I mean "desmume".
Pages: 1