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#1 2022-03-27 00:46:08

Registered: 2022-03-27
Posts: 3

does the version of desmume matter when opening up the save data?

i used to play nds game with desmume

Recently I changed my desktop, and I backed up the dst save files but not the emulator file itself.

After that, I couldn't recall the exact same version of what I used,

so I just found any version of desmume available and installed.

I tried to open up the game file and save files, but every time I try the emulator freezes.

Does the version of desmume matter when opening up the save data?

Does the version have to be exactly the same with that of save data files?


#2 2022-03-28 09:19:28

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: does the version of desmume matter when opening up the save data?

yes. It must match exactly. but you're talking about "savestates", not "save data".
There's probably no way to figure out what version of desmume was used to make your states. Sorry, we're sloppy about that. With enough tries you may find the version that works.


#3 2022-03-28 10:08:49

Registered: 2009-01-07
Posts: 78

Re: does the version of desmume matter when opening up the save data?

Why you use savestats instead of ingame saves?
Ingame saves are compatible between different emulator versions and in some cases beween different emulators.
Savestates purpose isn't gaming, but debugging, speedrun training and video recording.


#4 2022-03-28 11:17:42

Registered: 2022-03-27
Posts: 3

Re: does the version of desmume matter when opening up the save data?

thank you so much


#5 2022-03-28 11:18:42

Registered: 2022-03-27
Posts: 3

Re: does the version of desmume matter when opening up the save data?

Thanks I will try in game saves from now on.


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