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#1 2016-05-26 11:24:43

Registered: 2016-05-26
Posts: 2

pokemon black 2 save file problem

I started playing black2 , it's a nice game!
         But at the stage of defeating team Plasma lord Ghetsis, i saved the game ( from the 'save state as' option).
         On the next day the save file was not opening. I have 3 save files but neither of them was not opening.

Now , I don't want to start the game from beginning....   What should i do???

Last edited by Ajinkya (2016-05-26 11:27:32)


#2 2016-05-26 13:32:09

Registered: 2010-04-21
Posts: 211

Re: pokemon black 2 save file problem

You should use in games save. Don't use SAVE STATE function! Open Config menu and select Control Config. Remember these buttons. Click Cancel after that. So, to save the game, press X button (remember the key from control config) and select Save button. That's all.


#3 2016-05-26 17:17:39

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: pokemon black 2 save file problem

But why would the savestates break in the first place?
Are you running windows 10?
Did you hack your pokemon or use cheats?


#4 2016-07-03 13:34:33

Registered: 2016-05-26
Posts: 2

Re: pokemon black 2 save file problem

zeromus wrote:

But why would the savestates break in the first place?
Are you running windows 10?
Did you hack your pokemon or use cheats?

I'm not using windows 10 & i use save files not save states ....
this has happened before .... but i ignored it , but then i noticed this happens when i close the game when someone is talking.


#5 2016-07-03 21:13:20

Radical Ninja
Registered: 2009-01-05
Posts: 6,241

Re: pokemon black 2 save file problem

every single time? every single talker? does it happen when you close it immediately after that same talker finishes talking? by close the game do you mean close the emulator?


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