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Pages: 1
When I play my anti-piracy patched Pokemon SoulSilver rom using SoftRasterizer, there are flickering black pixels. When I use OpenGL 3.2, my character's head is ... weird (look at the top) . Also, Dark cave and the intro screen with Lugia don't work in OpenGL. Fixes? I am currently running x64 0.9.10. Screenshots:
there are no fixes for any of these issues. that's why there's two renderers provided. have fun.
The OpenGL renderer was updated in v0.9.11, which does fix the intro screen. Get the latest version from our official downloads page!
However, the other issues, like the intermittent black dots and the "weird" head are issues with texture sampling precision (your character is actually a 2D sprite rendered within a 3D environment). Unfortunately, there are no fixes for these issues at this time.
Pages: 1