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hi, I've got problem with messed up screen
I've played FF3 on this emulator, and everything was alright
I am no pro with this program so i'll be glad, if someone write me any solution step by step.
Thanks for any help
disable the jit or decrease the block size. after changing the options, you may have to change zones before the screen gets fixed
it looks like its working, but now when i use „Fast Forward Toogle“ instead of smooth run its lagging
nevermind, just increased Jit from 1 to 10 and block size decreased from 100 to 1 and its working perfectly
thanks for help zeromus
Last edited by Snake160 (2014-01-02 20:21:51)
it seems that an Action Replay code can fix it,but only for english version
but what about japanese version? (^ ^;) i can even use mouse to move the character on the top screen with this jit bug,is it possible to fix?
dont waste your time trying to work around a jit bug. just finetune the jit settings or disable it until the problem goes away.
I'm having the same garbled screen issue. It is happening every time I enter a new area. If I save my game and reset the emulator, it is fine until I enter a new area. I'm not exactly sure what "jit" or "block size" are. A little elaboration would be greatly appreciated!!
theyre settings. in the menus. change them. if youre using linux you may have to do it by the command line.
I couldn't find any jit setting at this point (I am absolutely brand new to this emulator), but I did find block size. I played around with it some. I took it from 100 down to 1, and the game was ridiculously slow. Then I bumped it up to 15 and haven't had a problem since.
I appreciate the response, Zero
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