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you may need to scrounge up old versions of desmume known to have a working debugger. the debugger support has got quite bitrotted. I've also never heard of anyone using it in ghidra, although if it claims to have GDB support then i guess it might work. I should mention that "gdb support" on windows is fundamentally dodgy due to gdb protocol being fundamentally dodgy. I suggest you ask google for advice on general desmume GDB debugging and follow that guide first until you can get it to work. Then improvise to make it work with ghidra
I already got a gdb build of desmume and got it to work on IDA PRO, but I couldn't find anything on google about getting it to work on Ghidra. I've seen a guide on how to connect Ghidra debugger to mgba so it should theoretically possible to do the same with Desmume, but it could just be that it's not possible on windows due to compatibility issues.
Hello everyone, has anyone managed to attach the desmume gdb build to Ghidra debugger on Windows?
I start the desmume build with the command line, but I have no idea what to put in the "GDB launch command" field in Ghidra local debugging option. Also had no luck as well by trying to connect to TCP port option.
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