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Pages: 1
That seems to work. Thank you so much. You really didn't need to go through this extra effort but I sincerely appreciate that you did.
Thank you for the response! Okay, so it is the US region but after struggling to figure it out it's apparently Rev 1. I assume that's the reason.
Since I know nothing about scripting or LUA there's not much I can do in this regard to figuring it out so I'll likely just have to try out the mouse and keyboard script.
Thank you again for your reply. I appreciate it.
I apologize heavily for resurrecting this post but I'm at my wits end. So far I've gotten everything to work by right analog stick aiming.
I use a PS5 controller and have managed to remap everything properly and even with the virtual stylus the right analog stick works perfectly. It's just when it comes to aiming in the game and looking around it just will not work. I even tried using DS4Windows and Steam to help treat it as an xbox controller but still no luck. I don't have any other country to test this with sadly.
I'm not really smart when it comes to scripting so I don't know what I'm supposed to do to fix this or if there is a fix. Again, everything is working fine with the buttons except that one thing, aiming/looking around. If anyone has an answer that would be appreciated.
Also I apologize if I violated a rule on necroing old posts. I didn't see the rule anywhere but I may have missed it.
Pages: 1