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#1 General » Username Change (non-DeSmuME related) » 2018-12-02 03:16:55

Replies: 3

I want to change my username. I do not want any cyber-attacks in the forums, because the malicious hackers could be watching us at any moment.

#2 Support » Turning Off the Interpolation » 2018-03-05 08:41:55

Replies: 1

I should turn off the interpolation to improve the emulating performance.

In Sound Settings, I cannot find an option to turn off the interpolation.


In 3D Settings, I am not sure why that option is called Unrealistically High-Precision Color Interpolation, even though it does say "Interpolation". I know that it affects handled material colors, but I can un-check that option in order to improve the emulating performance.


I have DeSmuME (v0.9.12) (GIT #126db2d6-x64-JIT-SSE2).


#3 Re: Support » Donation Page » 2017-10-02 02:01:24

zeromus wrote:

the EFF and accept my donations, they will probably accept yours.

What I meant is this. Can I donate the money to DeSmuME?

#4 Re: Support » Donation Page » 2017-10-01 23:24:15

Does anyone accepts the donation?

#6 Support » Kill Stylus Off-Screen Remains Unchecked when Exited DeSmuME » 2017-04-26 08:42:34

Replies: 1

After I checked Kill Stylus Off-Screen and exited DeSmuME, that remains unchecked. I kept checking it, but nothing is working.

#7 Support » Trying to Disable or Turn Off the Microphone in DeSmuME » 2017-04-20 00:44:11

Replies: 1

I am trying to disable the Microphone in DeSmuME, but DeSmuME does not have that setting.

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