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no wifi right? is there any other nintendo emulator which has wifi?
I know there is no wifi emulation but can i atleast get to know that people are trying to make it? this would help out millions of players! may i suggest that the wifi can be hooked up to a wireless router that you use for home internet or so...
really? it doesnt work? awwww u cant even get the national dex then if u have to get both dialga AND palkia!
now after i defeat master chard and it shows master kale on razen, the same blacking out happens when im supposed to blast off into outer space. whats up with these kids and blasting off into space?!?!
The scenes like when the hero takes the rocket do not come. It shows 99% and sound comes for a while, but only a black screen is shown. then everything becomes frozen. i have tried to adjust the 3d settings and the save type under the config menu but it just does not seem to work. please help! this problem is not occurring in any other game.
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