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I'm not sure if you're being sarcastic, like you usually do, but from what I know the performance increase in the i7 is normally not noticeable in gaming. They are supposedly more obvious when you are doing stuff like video encoding or graphic rendering.
It seems the Core series is more powerful due to TurboBoost, but will there be a noticeable difference if I use an i5 instead of i7 given the same clock speed?
My Heart Gold works with Fire Red, but Platinum doesn't work with my Emerald. They are all the same region.
1.7GHz Core i7 or 2.8GHz C2D?
Looks great. Some changes seem weird though (full screen?) but I'll just have to wait and see.
What kind of improvements can I expect from the next build?
Thanks in advance.
Translation is a waste of time. Pretty much everyone on the internet knows English to an extent. If they don't understand something they can always use Google Translate. English is my third language and I always set the language to English.
Pages: 1