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#1 Re: Support » Big problem with 0.9.5. » 2009-12-12 19:12:50

(Of course, if your computer overheats and crashes when any program uses 100% CPU for a few minutes then you should seek a more general solution such as fixing the cooling fans or something.)

#2 Re: Support » Big problem with 0.9.5. » 2009-12-12 19:09:30

Try switching to the SoftRasterizer in the 3D settings. If your graphics card or driver has major problems then the OpenGL renderer can stress it enough to make the computer unstable. Upgrading your drivers is still a good idea though.

If that doesn't help, it might also be your computer is overheating, in which case you can try launching DeSmuME with --num-cores=1 from the commandline to force it to not use all of your CPU (assuming you're not on a single core CPU already).

#3 Re: Technical » [Windows port] Poll: Should translations be nuked? » 2009-12-11 10:13:48

For me, the translations are about the same kind of thing as render filters. They don't help the emulation, and I personally rarely use them, but some people want them. I have no idea how many people that is. One thing to consider is that, if we don't include translations in DeSmuME, then somebody is going to create and provide translations anyway, and thus the number of people who are using unofficial builds of DeSmuME and expecting it to work as well as the official builds will increase, which seems like a bad thing, but again, I'm not sure how many people we're actually talking about here.

Maybe there is some middle ground, like immediately nuking all translations after each release but re-adding them before the next release if we get an updated patch for a language for the new release or (like with English) if somebody is willing and able to actively maintain it. If nobody is and nobody provides a new one then I guess we could just leave the ignored language out of the next release in that case, but some languages would still be present if we got up-to-date patches for them, and we wouldn't have to be maintaining them until then before the release. (Maybe that's a bad idea for some reason?)

If we do keep the translations, it might help make things a little easier to maintain if we split each translation out to a separate file and include them from the main resources.rc. … g_multiple

#4 Re: Support » very big sound problem PLS help » 2009-12-11 09:39:57

It sounds like your computer just isn't fast enough to run DeSmuME in those parts of the game, so everything slows down, including the music. You can try turning on auto frameskip or tweaking the 3D settings, or whatever else you would normally do to make programs run faster like close other programs or buy a new computer.

#5 Re: Support » desmume 0.9.5 graphic issues, also slower » 2009-11-29 18:38:12

You have to set the color quality to 32-bit in your Display Properties. Right now you have it set to 16-bit and there is a bug with that. (The bug has already been fixed but it was fixed after 0.9.5 got released so you'll have to stick to 32-bit for now.)

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