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#1 Re: Support II (decommissioned) » 4th Generation Pokemon game speed problems » 2009-05-04 22:34:48

For me, this is the only emulator that will actually save the game. I have to restart on the other emulators (IdeaS, NO$GBA).

#2 Support II (decommissioned) » 4th Generation Pokemon game speed problems » 2009-05-04 22:26:59

Replies: 2

I've tried the new build with both Platinum and Diamond, and both have some speed issues. The game tends to run slowly outside of battles.

#3 Re: Support II (decommissioned) » Pokemon Platinum » 2009-05-04 21:31:27

I have a different issue with Pokemon Platinum. It tends to run slow on my system (mostly 42%). Although I have no problem saving, the speed is just annoying.

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